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Do you enjoy bowling?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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bowling alley, bowling balls

Bowling is a group activity that many enjoy as a social outing. It's fun, competitive and a good time out. Do you enjoy bowling with friends or family? How often do you go? Do you have any fond memories or enjoyable experiences you would like to share about bowling?

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I enjoyed bowling as a teenager and as a good activity on dates with guys. Nowadays, we take our kids with us bowling and we all have so much fun. The only negative is that it is so expensive to bowl now, and even with the offers on, a games bowling for the family is around $60. That's expensive for an hour or fun.
I think it's more for fit people, under say 55!

As you get older, it tends to get you to move and use muscles, you never thought you had.
When I was in my 20's and 30's and even 40's I liked to play.
It's a really fun family game, and even if your on your own....you can still play!
So it's a win win.I didn't go too often, but looked forward when I did.
I love bowling - we just started up as a family again - it's such a laugh and all ages can do it.
I love bowling. I used to go with my dad and grandparents as a child. I still go with my dad occasionally, but not very often. I also like the side games that are eld at venues, like pool and air hockey.
It's been a while since I've done it, but yes I did enjoy it when we last played. Thankfully they left the kids guards up for me, otherwise I wouldn't have scored a point.
I haven't bowled since I got married and moved to Australia for several reasons:
1. My husband is not really into it (although he is a very sporty man)
2. We just don't have that type of a social circle.
3. It's hugely expensive. We'd rather do something else for that kind of money.
Also, my son has bowling on Kinect Xbox and we play bowling at home. It's not the real thing, but the next best thing, so we have a bowling alley right at home.
I love it although I suck at it sometimes. Too inconsistent. One minute I am getting a strike, yet on the other times - way too many G U T T E R S...its just for fun. I could put many dents in the floor because of my hard bowling.
Yeah, its fun. I like going about once a year with the family, nothing serious, just for a bit of fun.
Yes! Such a great idea for a date or for socializing with friends - bringing the competitive and friendly side of things in a perfect balance.
I love bowling - I don't do it with friends but I go with the kids from time to time - its something all ages can enjoy together. It is very expensive here though, so just a rare treat for us....
I used to love bowling and went almost every week, however have not been now for many years.
I now live near a bowling alley and am always surprised that it still exists as there are usually only a few cars parked outside.
by Finy
I hate bowling.
by Vee
Ok, I've since improved. So it's not terrible. My technique is all wrong and one day I might hurt myself, but I can now get the pins down.
by Vee
Yes I have fond memories of bowling. My cousins and I probably go once in a few years (in Singapore, where bowling's cheaper), and that's when we would also sit around and catch up, chat, laugh and cheer for each other when most of the balls are going into the drains. It's really important to have super short nails before you bowl though. A few cousins and I chipped our nails several times while bowling.
I've never played bowling before.
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