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Do you encourage bird and insect life by putting out water containers?

by grann (follow)
Nature (53)      Drought (4)      Water containers (1)      Bird Baths (1)     

Bird in bath

Many parts of the country have been experiencing drought conditions. What are you doing to to help wildlife overcome this?

#Water containers
#Bird Baths
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I always put out water for the birds, and insects. The seasons are all out of kilter because of the much debated "climate change" and I try to help them in any way I can. We need them as much as they need us.
In our part of the country, there is no drought at this time, although it has not rained as much this season. I haven't started putting out any water for wildlife as yet.
I fill up my neighbours one all the time, its very big....and saves me buying one.
I discourage pesky pidgeons because they are so annoying!

Wouldn't mind having some other birds in my garden though! Better than possums as well.
The one in the photo is a Rose Robin. You SW Australians could have a try at attracting that beautiful little fellow.
by grann
Stunning image!
We do, and I encourage the kids to put extra water bowls out on hot days. We have had some beautiful King Parrots come down for a drink and just seeing them up close was a wonderful reward.
by Lucy
Not in a mosquito-ridden area you don't!
Maybe you need to add a couple of mosquito fish to your aqua offerings.
by grann
I shall ponder that! Cheers!
by donjo
We have 3 filled plastic container on the veranda table full of water, & a birdbath on the side of the driveway, in the garden. On the verandah, we feed the kookaburra's, a family of 5 butcherbirds, & a family of 4 magpies 2 grade mince from Aldi.We also have lots of lorries, rosellas & king parents, & they get fed the grey coloured sunflower seeds, which are better for them, than the black sunflower seeds. We buy big bags of the seeds from a local pet shop.
by Miro
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