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Do you eat to live or live to eat

by Finy (follow)
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eat to live
Photo: Ambro - www.freedigitalphotos.net

There is a saying "do you eat to live" or "do you live to eat".

Which one of these is you?

Do you eat because you need to in order to survive, or do you look forward to your next meal and can't wait.

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ID: 12573
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In all honesty I just eat to live. I don't have a great interest in food. I do however eat healthily with a range of fruit and vegetables. Am not much of a meat lover so could very easily become vegetarian.
A bit of both. Real foodies but love all the healthy stuff and experimenting with fresh produce and new recipes. Nothing in excess but for sure a lot of our family time revolves around making and eating food.
I eat to live,but this does not mean that I cannot thoroughly enjoy the food that I do eat!! I love fresh fruits which is great as I live in the tropics! And I adore good quality chocolate.The great thing is that these combine so beautifully to crate a delicious snack or dessert! The fruit of course is the very healthy part,but when the chocolate is dark,it contains lots of antioxidants,so the entire eating experience can be classed as healthy!! Hee Hee!!! I don't eat huge amounts of red meat but I have always had a penchant for Roast Lamb,though it must be accompanied by my home made Mint Sauce! We can definitely enjoy our food without living to eat!! In fact,what would be the point of eating it,if we were not enjoying it? I do not eat any foods at all unless I like them!!
I really enjoy food, although I can find eating (or rather living with the consequences) very stressful at times.
I am definitely live to eat!
by Finy
It depends on what mood I am in. If I am rushing, I eat to live, but if I am cooking a nice meal then I live to eat.
by Vee
I eat to live.
But! having said that chocolate is my big big weakness :(

Not big on eating food, it takes effort.
Can't seem to leave the sweet stuff alone, it seems to help me stay calm a tad, and then I get a sugar high and run around doing all I have too.

Not healthy, so it has been cut down 50%.
I'm hoping another 25-30% soon, and then just the odd treat now and then.
For me, eating is laborious.
Chew-chew-chew- boring!!!
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