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Do you eat sugar?

by Natasha Stewart (follow)
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brownies, sugar, ban sugar, health, diet, weight loss

There's a lot of talk about 'banning' sugar from your diet. It's definitely not something I'm interested. I don't have too much sugar in most of the things I eat, but I think there's no substitute when you're making delicious cakes or biscuits.

What do you think? Have you banned sugar from your diet? Why?

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I just love 'Sweets'. I can't live without desert. I like Sugar & I even like the smell of raw sugar. I love Marzipan & so on . Sugar is just for me for my tea, coffee & for my homemade lemonade.
Maybe I eat too much of 'sweet' but I'm alright till now .Well! if I get diabetic in future it's a different thing but till then I'll enjoy 'sugar'
Oh! Another 'desert' lover! Bit dry. DesSert is much better! Lol!
by donjo
Yes I do. But in very little amount. I consume green tea, and tea without sugar. Its my occasional cup of coffee that needs sugar. Then of course there is slight indulgence once in a while. In some Indian savoury dishes, the recipe demands a pinch of sugar. Usage is less, but it is there. And yes, even I feel strongly against the sugar replacements.
My husband and I were on a no-sugar diet for about three months and to the point that when we ate anything sweet, bar fruit, we would feel physically sick. It didn't last. The diet I mean. Sugar is in everything so it's very difficult to avoid. Though we have cut down on it a lot, but I can't part from chocolate, cake or chocolate cake!
by Vee
I use sugar.

I just make sure, I don't have tooooo much! :)
All this banning this and that.
They call; sugar 'white death'.........but I still use tiny amounts.
No way, would I consider anything else, all those imitation's, one day they will
tell you, they are worse!
I would never give up sugar entirely, but I have been thinking about doing a sugar detox for 10 days. Not all forms of sugar, but the most processed kinds.

I don't think that the artificial sweeteners available are particularly healthy either though. Most likely I will just try to be aware of how much I eat and add to food, like I am with salts

I am a sweettooth so I use sugar!
I have bought coconut sugar which is not refined like white sugar, however this does not always work in all recipes and is not as sweet as real sugar.
I stopped once for a week when a friend in the medical industry told me sugar is "white death"! Scared me for a week only.
by Finy
Yes. Sugar is in so many things (not just sweets but packaged foods, sauces, bread etc.) that avoiding it altogether must be really hard. It's not something I'm interested in doing. I really like cake.
When baking, I use Truvia, which is a natural sweetener. I don't like it when lots of sugar is put into things like fruit pies, etc, but I do eat a lot of sugar when it comes to chocolate.
Love sugar. And I don't think substitutes are good. I just think moderation. That is all!
I do, but I need to reduce the intake of sugar in my system. It gives me the rush of energy when I need it, but equally makes me crash when I least expect it.
I've got a super sweet tooth, so I eat my fair share of sugar.
Not right now.I used to though ! Trying substitutes like honey in my tea and is working fine for me.
Not on its own, but in sweets yes ... I have a sweet tooth.
We have been using Coconut sugar lately and it is really yummy and apparently better for you.
by Lucy
If you don't eat SOME sugar in your diet, you die!
So with THAT as an 'option(?), I have a level tspn RAW sugar in my tea.
Love 'Diet Coke' a couple of times' a week.
And always have some DARK Chocolate in the 'fridge!
I've been trying my hardest to give it up, and 8 months on, I'm good. When someone accidentally adds honey or agave to my tea I recoil in horror.

I stopped eating it purely for vanity reasons: I've read countless times, on various mediums that sugar dries out the skin and contributes to wrinkles, I would much rather remain plump and line-free!
I don't have sugar as it's too sweet for me. Straight tea and coffee and if I accidentally get served a cup of coffee at the club with sugar in it, I can taste the sugar straight away and send it back.
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