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Do you eat pork, and do you like crackling?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: www.maduniverset.dk

Do you eat pork?

Crackling is supposed to be very unhealthy -do you eat it and like it?

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Enjoy pork, & LOVE crackling!
But don't eat it that often.
Before I stopped eating red meat most of the time, I LOVED crackling.
I didnt often cook pork at home however I quite liked it.

I would always ask for crackling when I was eating pork out but I no longer eat either of them. I occasionally have red meat (apart from bacon!!!) however have not had crackling in many years now.
by Finy
No, and no. It's not a health thing for me (well, come to think of it I suppose it's that too, but that's not the primary reason), I just don't think we should kill pigs and eat them.
I would probably eat pork if my very life depended on it. A diserted island scenario, otherwise, I won't touch it.
I don't like pork or crackling.
I love roast pork (only roasted). I might like a lord loin chop roasted but actually, I like all roasted meat pork, beef, veal and of course Lamb. But with regard to pork being roasted……you can have the meat and I'll eat the crackling and I do mean all of the crackling.
Who eat that fat? I really do not like the smell of pork cooking so we eat very little of it. I will make bacon a couple of times a year, pork chops about the same, spare ribs maybe two a year, and a roast of pork once in five years, and I trough out all fat from the roast.
I am allergic to pork,which is rather sad,as despite not liking the actual meat so much, I LOVE crackling!!! Even though I am now aware of my allergy,pork was never, before finding out,a favourite meat for me.I am more of a roast lamb person. Mind you,I don't eat a great deal of meat at all really. I would enjoy fresh fish over red meat any day of the week!!!
But getting back to the question....I DO LOVE CRACKLING!!!!
I like pork, but I don't like crackling. Crackling is very unhealthy, but pork is very lean and is very good for you. Better than red meat in fact. I like roast pork, butterflied pork, sweet and sour pork, I put pork in stir frys sometimes just for a change. I love pork with chilli plum sauce and I make my own sauce !!!
I am not really big into Pork, and have never had the crackling at all....it's not me.
Never did understand folks liking it, guess I'm weird....lol.
I eat pork and love it. I like crackling but am not crazy over it.
Yes I eat pork, never ever the crackling just do not like it.
We eat alot of pork as hubby is German. I ccan't eat crackling now becaimy teeth aren't that strong but I still do it for the family. The secret to a fantastc crackling is to cut off as much fat as you can, oil and rub salt into skin and place on numerous paper towels in microwave and cook a couple of minutes at a time until all fat is gone snd you have a superb crackling.
Thanks for the crackling tip, Helga.
by Miro
It is my favourite food. I cooked a leg of pork last week and I cant get enough crackling. I went to Colombia in Sth America and they serve it will rice baked inside the pig. Absolutely yummy
oh, that DOES sound nice!
by Finy
OMG love love love pork! Although, I find the smell of the pork in Australia slightly "gamey" - its very strong. It doesn't stop me though from devouring the crackling!
Yes, I have that problem too - it smells very gamey to me. I often pass it across to the other half because I just can't get past the smell.
by Rice
PS . . proper grass fed pork should not smell like that. Maes you wonder *what* they have been eating :(( Poor little piggies.
by Rice
Yes and yes but not very often. The older I get, the less meat I eat. I doubt that I would eat meat once a week.
by Rice
I really enjoy pork and crackling - with a lot of salt.
by Vee
3 of 9 Sunday basic/yes/no/sort-of/short answer question day.
As a child I ate it and liked it a lot.
I think pig farming is cruel . I think pigs are very intelligent and I couldn't kill one, so I don't let someone do it for me.Since I realised someone killing an animal for me is the same as killing it myself, I have given up eating meat unless I am capable if killing the animal myself. I haven't eaten pork for 37 years.
The best part for me on a pork roast is the crackling, once I start I can't stop!
We do eat pork, once a week & always using a different recipe, but I only buy pork steaks. & yes, I love the crackling, when I've eaten it at Christmas.
by Miro
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