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Do you eat ice cream regularly?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you eat ice cream regularly?

Do you have a favourite or will any one do?

#Ice cream
#Favourite ice cream
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Yes I do.

I had stopped eating ice cream for years as was watching my weight.

Suddenly I started eating it again and am now addicted to it and have some most night.

One day a week I have only 500 calories, and this is probably the only night I do not eat some form of ice cream.

I have about 4 different ones in the freezer and like Weiz the best.
by Finy
I do like the doggy picture too, yay!
by brigi
I can't have it :(
Gives me grief, as I have 'Gorde'.
I loved Cookies & Cream,when I use to have it.
I actually love SORBET!!! Any of the Weis tubs are so refreshing,and real fruit is so obviously the main ingredient! I enjkoy crumbling Cadbury Flake through any of the flavours! I also love the Weis Bars which are the fruit sorbet with real ice cream in a single serve bar. I buy these when the packs of 4 are on special at the supermarket.
I really like ice cream but I don't have it very often. I try not to keep it in the house as the kids (including the big kid!) would just scoff it all. I really like chocolate flavours but I'm not hugely fussy. I had a basil (and something) flavoured ice cream once that was interesting and also a green tea flavoured one which was nice. I like to try different flavours!
Your answer made me remember that I had a friend who owned a restaurant and she used to make lavender ice cream and it was really delish! Now I am happily reminiscing :-)
by Rice
I like most creamy flavours of ice-cream but tend not to eat it very often as I am one of those people that cannot eat "cold"! I let it warm and melt a bit, Yum!
I love ice-cream and I would have some most weekends.
by AJ
I actually love SORBET!!! Any of the Weis tubs are so refreshing,and real fruit is so obviously the main ingredient! I enjkoy crumbling Cadbury Flake through any of the flavours! I also love the Weis Bars which are the fruit sorbet with real ice cream in a single serve bar. I buy these when the packs of 4 are on special at the supermarket.
I actually love SORBET!!! Any of the Weis tubs are so refreshing,and real fruit is so obviously the main ingredient! I enjkoy crumbling Cadbury Flake through any of the flavours! I also love the Weis Bars which are the fruit sorbet with real ice cream in a single serve bar. I buy these when the packs of 4 are on special at the supermarket.
Oh yes, Jules. Weiss Bars are the bomb. I love the mango and macadamia ones - though I didn't realise these are sorbets...or perhaps the one I have isn't.
by Vee
mango and macadamia is not a bar Vee -I buy that one in a tub here and it is not sorbet!
by Finy
I love this picture!
I love ice cream but don't eat it often due to always trying to watch my weight.
I would love to try all the gourmet selections, different flavours one by one!! Probably won't
by fran
I used to eat ice cream as if my life depended on it, but not I find myself feeling a little bit sick in the stomach if I have it so haven't in a while.
by Vee
I am not a big icecream fan. I prefer other forms of dessert if I want to have something sweet.

by BK
Nah I don't really like it all that much. I'm not much of a sweet tooth.
Yes because we make it ourselves no less than once a week, and we LOVE Coffee!

Yes I do. My favourite flavour is chocolate
My current fave is Sara Lee's 'Ultra Chocolate'.
Don't mind 'Strawberry' also.
Love Weis' Bars, the Original one, & their latest with Coconut!

Remember as a kid, 'Chocolate Chip' had ACTUAL big chunks of chocolate in it! Loved 'Butterscotch Brickle' but that no longer made.
You'd buy a small 'brick' or large one. Made of cardboard, unwrap-it, no 'zip tears' in those days!
Yes I eat ice cream regularly. Love the stuff. Current favourite is Coles' Macadamia and Caramel, and the Rum and Raisin comes a close second. All very fattening, but I'll go without lollies just for ice cream!
No. I don't like ice cream, but may have it after dinner if it is a really hot day.
No. I can go without ice cream for ages but other half would think his head was cut off if there was no ice cream. I do like a Hungry Jack's soft serve occasionally.
by Rice
I love 'my' ice-cream! And because of that, we only eat it on special occasions, like a family member's
birthday. If I didn't put a limit on our ice-cream eating, we'd have it every night! I'd love to find a salted caramel ice-cream. Our daughter has a Woolies right opposite her house, so I'll have look there, if there's any freezer space for it, in her fridge/freezer! I prefer Streets ice-cream over Peter's ice-cream, but as Finy says: "Weiz is the best"! We only buy our ice-cream from Aldi.
by Miro
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