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Do you eat ice cream often, and have you ever made it?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you eat ice cream often?

Have you ever made it yourself?

#Ice cream
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Sadly, much as I love ice cream, I think I have eaten it about twice in 8 months!
It is another food that I used to eat daily until a reading from a blood test came back high and no more sweets, cakes, sugar and ice cream!

I used to love all flavours and have made it a few times myself.
by Finy
This summer I at a lot of ice cream, but unless it is particularly hot, I don't eat it regularly.

I have made sorbet and frozen yoghurt before, but not ice cream.
I don't really eat a lot of ice cream, so it is pretty easy to eliminate from my diet. Once or twice over summer was my ice cream eating habit. I have always preferred cream to ice cream on top of things like Apple pie. I have never tried to make It, since I am not really fussed about ice cream.
I have never made it because if I did it would be a every day food.

I don't eat now much of it...something about calories? So lat summer I had too much, and this summer I have promised myself non.

Some very famous people ate tooooo much, and got huge in the process...So stay away you tempter from this girls lips !! amen.
I've made it a few times over the years. Yum. However, like everything else verboten, I now no longer eat ice cream.
by Rice
I like ice cream, but don't eat it very often. I usually have a tub in the freezer for the kids, and might have a couple of scoops now and then with some fruit. I've never made it.
I have made ice cream once or twice. The last time I used my wiz bang ice cream making attachment for my mixer. I was rather shocked at the amount of sugar and haven’t done it again although it was very good. I seem to love ice cream more that I used to but due to being too short for my weight I avoid it. Last time was last Summer when the weather was uncomfortably hot.
I eat icecream every now and then. I really enjoy it. I really like soft serve icecream
by AJ
I don't eat ice cream often even though I love it. Sometimes I eat frozen yoghurt which I hope is a somewhat healthier option. I have never made ice cream.
I did made homemade ice cream, but I eat it very rarely. I don't really have a sweet tooth.
I do love ice-cream, have never made I ice cream, & now I can only eat non diary ice cream. I was informed there was a coconut 1 that Coles sell, which I have't found yet, but I did find a lovely non diary chocolate 1, which I have 30g of, on someones birthday! When I could have diary, I'd try all the flavours Aldi sold, but we'd only have 55g a a week! (That was only my idea, so we wouldn't eat to much of it at a time.) 1 of my favourites was Tiramisu!
by Miro
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