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Do you eat honeydew?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you eat honeydew?

#Summer fruit
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I haven't eaten honeydew for many years and cannot even remember what it tastes like -I always assume it is similar to rock melon however always buy rock melon so I probably like that more.

Perhaps it is not as sweet as rockmelon?
by Finy
It tastes like nothing, Finy, that's why you can't remember. That's why they pad fruit salad with it. ^_^
by Rice
It definitely is improved by adding other stronger flavoured foods to it.I have only once tasted honeydew which was rather delicious by itself,and that was a long time back when a friend had planted a seed which grew into a fabulous plant with very sweet melons. Maybe there was something in the soil where she had planted it? Who knows?!!If you love Smoked salmon,as I do,then these go very nicely together!
by Jules
I like it when served with other foods,either in a fruit salad,or as an entree with a bit of smoked salmon,or cheese. By itself,it does tend to be a bit of a 'nothing' taste,but it certainly comes alive when eaten with other far more tasty, exciting foods! It actually tends to tone down those things we find a bit too much to just eat by themselves. I must say that it adds a little more interest to watermelon juice as well!
Rice is on the right trail here. It tastes like nothing at all. They use it to pad out fruit salad and that is about all it is good for. Revolting.
Someone told me that they used to make melon jam using honeydew during the Great Depression. Bad.
by fran.
I guess just as it is.... :)
Honeydew is such a delighfully enticing name but it turns out just like that handsome guy who picks his nose. You have it once and usually don't bother again. Mr Bland.
by Rice
LOL Rice!
by Finy
I know, I know. It's the voices in my head. 00
by Rice
So what other 'fabulosities' are the voices in your head telling you to share?! I think your description is simply gorgeous Spot On! I shall never look at a Honey dew,or a gorgeous guy,the same way again! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!
by Jules
Hmm . .let's see . . . always have clean underwear, never take any wooden nickels and never peek into your hankie in public. =^@!@^=
by Rice
I don't think so...Santa Claus melon, which looks a little like honeydew, is delicious though.
by Vee
I'm liking the sound of that . . . are they hard to find, Vee?
by Rice
I can't be sure. I think my brother-in-law found them...I will ask him and let you know. ;-)
by Vee
Nope, prefer Rockmelon, especially cold, with Prosciutto!
I don't eat honeydew melon. I prefer rockmelon.
I like it when served with other foods,either in a fruit salad,or as an entree with a bit of smoked salmon,or cheese. By itself,it does tend to be a bit of a 'nothing' taste,but it certainly comes alive when eaten with other far more tasty, exciting foods! It actually tends to tone down those things we find a bit too much to just eat by themselves. I must say that it adds a little more interest to watermelon juice as well!
Yes, I love it especially if it is sweet! Besides, it has so many health benefits like high in Vitamin C, potassium and it is said to be a very good for digestion and lowering high blood pressure.
I love rock melon too.
I like honeydew but eat more rockmelon. The reason why most people are saying it is bland is because it needs to be really ripe to enjoy the flavour. When you get a ripe one (seem to be as scarce as hen's teeth) then you will understand there is a difference. Unfortunately it's a bit hit and miss with that as with most rockmelons you can smell whether it's ripe enough to eat immediately or wait a few days for it to ripen but don't know a way of judging honeydew.
Yes! I eat honeydew melon! But usually only at buffets....... I find it difficult to find a sweet one if I buy a whole one from the shops!

I also particularly like honeydew flavoured food items!
I don't think it has any flavour.
by fran.
Yes, the non sweet ones are quite flavourless! But if you happen to come across a ripe and sweet honeydew melon it is very very nice!
by Monika
I eat honeydew but prefer rockmelon. I also like watermelon.
Yep - only when its in season though. If not it can be quite tasteless.
Yes and I like them too.
No, I never buy them, just in case it tastes of nothing. I hardly ever buy rockmelon, & I never buy pineapple either for the same reason. Watermelon I will only buy a slice of, just in case that too, is going to also taste boring! Pawpaw I will always buy, & keep it uncut for about a week, so it can ripen up. I have it on my muesli every morning.
by Miro
I do, it's really good.
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