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Do you eat as many eggs as you want or are you worried about cholesterol?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you eat as many eggs as you want or do you only eat a certain amount a week?

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I would so love to have eggs every morning however due to a cholesterol problem which they say I cannot avoid as both parents had it, I do not.

I know every now and then they say that they are not bad for cholesterol, however I still do not eat as many as I would like to.

I just LOVE eggs.
by Finy
I'm trying to put on a bit of weight so I have 3 or 4 every day for breakfast (yep,every day) as part of my 1000 calorie breakfast. Have had my cholesterol and everything checked twice in the last year and my cholesterol is lower than average.
This is an easy one for me! I am allergic to eggs, and I do not suffer with a cholesterol problem,The two for me are not at all related to each other!!
I don't worry about cholesterol - I eat eggs whenever I am in the mood
by AJ
Eggs have had such negative press regarding their supposed connection to high cholesterol. The impact eggs have on blood cholesterol or LDL is marginal. My father had high cholesterol however a reduction in saturated fats and foods helped lower his cholesterol. He would eat between 3-4 eggs per week. All in moderation.

Unfortunately, I don't like the taste or texture of eggs unless they are super hard boiled or the taste of the egg is disguised significantly in food. I very rarely will have eggs.
I'm not in the slightest worried about cholesterol but I can't eat eggs any more as i am intolerant to them. I love eating them so once in a blue moon I might have one and then pay the price later.
you were not always allergic to them, verity? How odd the things that happen as we get older!!
by Finy
I'm not allergic, it's an intolerance I have - quite different! And I probably was always intolerant to them but only recently had it diagnosed, along with a lot of other food intolerances.
I am worried about the amount ,so I keep it down to say half dozen a month.NO More.
#Health. One egg a day is ideal, I believe :)
As many as I want...only have a few a week. I don't want to live to be 100!!!!!
by Fran
I eat until my heart is content.
by Vee
I eat as many as I like. So far, so good.
For easter i ate 5 in one day,at different intervals they were cooked for the rest in the house but no one ate them, the next day i was worried about my cholestrol who cares i lovvvvv eggs.
I absolutely love eggs. BUT the family insist I now buy free range only.
I am not articulately fond of free range eggs as, if I want to make scrambled eggs, or beat eggs, they are fine but to get the eggs to come out on cracked as whole for poaching or frying the shells seem more fragile than ordinary eggs. Also when frying them (if I manage not to break the yolk) they seem watery.
Don't know if anyone knows what I am talking about on this topic, but I do find a problem (slight) with free range.
So, I don't eat as many as I used to but not because of cholesterol. I think the cholesterol involved in an egg is negligible.
Can have two at the same time. Prefer poached, or hard boiled! Probably only eat two a week.
have an egg for breakfast every day, I always eat what I want to eat , and take no notice of what one reads in newspapers one day they say some foods are bad for you and then they will say it is alright.
Fran, if your eggs are at all watery it means they are getting old. Fresh or free range eggs will both become watery the older they are. The fragile shells also have to do with the chickens are fed. I have had free range eggs from my sister's hens - hard shells, beautiful deep orange yolks and not a bit watery. Change your supplier. NK
I eat eggs a lot and I don't worry about cholesterol.
by Rice
I have one egg once a week. I have to watch my cholesterol.
Once in awhile, I will have an egg. Otherwise, I eat cereal w/fruit on top or cream of wheat.

I was happy to hear that we are now told not to worry so much about eggs and cholesterol. They're such a convenient and nutritious and yummy food. I don't hold back.
Yes, eggs are (now) very good for us to eat, & It now seems to be OK to eat as many as we like in a week, but I forget to, & I only eat about 2 a week!
by Miro
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