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Do you eat apple pips and/or the core?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Wikipedia - Richard Cox

Do you eat apple pips?

Do you eat the core of the apple?

#Apple pips
#Apple core
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I love apples, but have never heard of anyone eating the pips or core. A bit strange. Apple pips do contain cyanide, but you would need to eat a lot of them for it to be fatal.
I have eaten the cores and all, however I read that the pips are poisonous so stopped.
Probably you need to eat hundreds for them to do any harm, however I no longer eat them.

I now have a plastic thing that cuts an apple into pieces and take out the core, so that part goes straight in the rubbish and I always eat my apples this way now rather than just biting into a whole apple.

Love PINK LADY apples!
by Finy
Yes, Pink Ladies are also my favourite apple!
by Miro
P.S. That's a .lovely photo you found for your question Finy!
by Miro
No but I do with a pear and people find it strange.
by Rice
verrrrrrry strange
by jonaja
I have never had the pips or core of an apple. I do not find them at all appetizing.
by Gia
Gia, How do you know there not appetising, if you've never tried them?
by Miro
No. Why would you?

I can start choking on ONE

of those 'frilly' lettuce leafs, so I sure ain't gunna try an apple pip, or core!


No, I haven't.
NOT INTENTIONALLY... I THOUGHT cracked apple seeds were toxic, so if you have a cracked one... do not swallow

Yes I often do. I swallow the seeds whole and have heard they are poisonous if cracked. I have also heard that there is an enzyme in the seeds that is important for health and scarce in our diets. I haven't done this with pears and now I wonder why? I think it's beacause pears are soft and the core is not.
So unappetising and potentially dangerous, so no, I haven't and won't.
I don't normally eat the core or the pips of apples,though when I was a kid,I would eat the entire fruit!!! I have no idea at all why,unless it was when I was out somewhere and could not find a rubbish bin! Even back then,we were very concerned about littering and the bad effect it had on the world! Mind you,apple cores would rot down and compost into the ground,so AGAIN, I don't know the reason I ever ate the silly things!! It's not as if they taste any better than the rest of the apple!!
No, I don't like apples and never eat them whole. I occasionally have a slice of apple but that is very rare.
No I don't eat the pips or the core, I leace it for my chooks.
No actually. Been with the majority here.
What the heck is this about apple pips containing cyanide?! In any case, I don't eat either core nor pip.
by Vee
Never, just like pears, and oranges.
Why would you?

My mother always told me it was ok to eat the pips & core, but I never have, after trying to eat the pips once. They had a sort of a nutty taste to them.
by Miro
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