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Do you dust regularly or only when you can see the dust on furniture?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you dust regularly or only when you can see the dust on your furniture, and it is obvious?

#Clean house
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No i do not dust regularly.

Sometimes I get so embarrassed if someone is visiting as I can see a film of dust.

I think "I must clean that" and as soon as the person is gone, I often forget about it till the next person.

Luckily my dust problem in the city is nowhere near as bad as when I was on acreage and had a lot of animals and sand around!
by Finy
When I see it, and 'sometimes'
before I see it.
I want to tell myself ''I'm on top of it''...lol.

What a joke,I know it gathers as I sleep!
No I don't regularly, I dust when I get in the mood and remember I should or when I can 'see' it
by Fran
I only dust when I HAVE to!
by AJ
Definitely the latter.
by Vee
I sure don't dust regularly - another thankless job and it's back the next day!
My husband does the cleaning and he does it regularly.
I dust only when I feel like it! I actually love dusting my collection of art glass,as each treasure truly comes to life when even a tiny amount of dust is removed from these! But dusting in general,I am not anywhere near as keen on doing! Funnily enough,at work,I was the one who ALWAYS was doing all the dusting and polishing,to the point that everything SPARKLED!!! but at home,it is a whole other story!!!
I do the dusting once a week when the other housework gets done. Do it all at once so it is all done and have time for myself then.
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