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Do you dunk your biscuits?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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tea, biscuit

Are you a dunker? If so, what biscuits do you like to dunk, and what do you dunk them in? Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, milk?

Do you think it is acceptable to dunk your biscuits while in the company of others, or do you think it uncouth and to be reserved for private moments of undignified pleasure?

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I don't like hot drinks or milk, and they are the only things you can really dunk your biscuits into. I suppose you could use fruit juice, but I don't think it is the same. If I liked tea, then I definitely think I'd dip a chocolate digestive.
Yes I do Oreos and Tim Tams. Yum
eeew! No. Soggy biscuits and crumbs in your tea. No way!!
Ah, Lydia, it's a fine art. One has to gauge it just right . . or . . . *disaster* LOL
by Rice
Yes, I do dunk some very dry ones, but generally when I am alone with no one watching me as I was brought up to think this is "rude" -don't quite know why.
by Finy
I don't dunk my biscuits, but I do dunk my doughnuts!
I hope that's the holey glazed kind. Not sure how I feel about jam or hundreds and thousands floating in tea! .
No, I don't like them soggy. I have no problem with other people doing it though.

Come to think of it, I have been known to do Timtam straws. That's where you bite of two opposite corners of a TimTam then slurp hot chocolate (you could use coffee I suppose) through it until it dissolves into a chocolatey mess. That's probably best done alone.
Are TimTams in the shape of straw then? That sounds like fun.
No, they look like Penguin biscuits. Taste better though.
Ohhhhh Jennifer . . . I wish you hadn't done that . . . . I may have to try it . . . . once or twice . . . ^_^
by Rice
I do with tea and hot chocolate. Love doing it with Oreos, otherwise plain biscuits are fine.
Yes. Coffee biscuits, Tim Tams and homemade biscuits all get dunked into tea at my place. I don't think it's uncouth, as long as the drink isn't too hot and they fall apart.
I Dunk.

I dunk all biscuits, and it's fun.
I only drink hot milk or hot chocolate.
I would Not dunk in company, that is uncouth,I'm a tad old fashioned.
I don't feel it is a bad habit, just a home-one.
Some people like to dunk a doughnut, but I couldn't bring myself to do that.
Yes! My all time favourite dunking kit is scotch finger biscuits in milk :)
Nope, I hate floogies!
Floogies are the bits of biscuit which float to the bottom of the drink...YUK
Oreo and Tim Tam in coffee, hot chocolate or milk. Plain biscuits in tea.
Not in front of people I'm not close to though.
Yes I dunk and love it.
I dunk cinnamon donuts, plain biscuits and Oreos in milk...yummy.
This wonderful dunking is done in private.

by Zen
I've never heard of someone dunking doughnuts in milk before. Coffee, but not milk.
Nope. I love a biscuit or cookie with coffee, but I'm not a dunker.
Sure. It amps up the taste.
I have never been a dunker but I am quite happy for others to dunk their biscuits in front of me if they want. I like my biscuits to be crisp or chewy, not soggy.
yes scotch fingers in tea. only at home, never when I am out.
Have been a 'dunker' all my life! Love it!

Usually, Nice, Scotch Finger, Ginger Nuts, Monte Carlo, Iced VoVo, Orange Cream, Chocolate Dessert & Kingston.

BTW, I DON'T have all of these in the house at the ONETIME!

Arnott's' will never go broke whilst I'm here!
P.S. When out, usually have coffee, but I don't 'dunk' outside of home!
Unladylike, & crass. IMHO!
by donjo
Yes donjo and of all of the biscuits listed: ginger nuts are the best….they are strong and can take a good dunking (even if you get sidetracked in the conversation). On occasions I have known them to droop a little, but they never actually collapse into the tea.
And no, I never dunk (any more) in company. It is crass and unfortunately dangerous…….. I am speaking from experience
by fran.
I do like a bit of a dunk but . . only in private and only in tea. It's a bit gauche to do in company, plus, if you lose track, you can have Titanic recreations. Ick. My favourite biscuit for dunking is Chocolate Bourbon. (and the occasional shortbread.) Mmmmmmm.
by Rice
Yes I'm afraid to say that I am a biscuit dunker and always have been, I like it when the biscuits are with chocolate, and the chocolate melts, I've even dunked kit kat that's just so good.
I dunk in my coffee, plain biscuits and the odd gingernut but I haven't seen the gingernuts around for some time now. The club I belong to provides free biscuits with tea, coffee and hot chocolate but I don't dunk when I'm out. I take the biscuits home and dunk them there.
No never, but only because I hadn't thought of doing it. Oh yes I did, a few years ago, a couple of times. It's a yummy idea. I'll have to start doing it again now some one has asked this question! At home we're eating the strawberry thin wafers at the moment. I'll have to buy a packet of mixed plain biscuits after i'v used up the biscuits I already have in the pantry.
by Miro
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