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Do you dry the dishes or leave them to dry?

by Finy (follow)
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If you have dishes to be hand washed, do you dry them off, or leave them to dry naturally on a rack?

#Washing up
#Drying dishes
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A bit of each. If I'm washing up by myself I stop halfway through, dry what's in the dish drainer then start washing again. I always dry the glasses and cuttlery because they look streaky if you don't, but I might leave the rest.
Me too :-)
by Rice
I have a dishwasher which I use though I do not put my good pots in there. I also have some large cooking things that I do not put in the dishwasher plus other odd things.

I rarely ever dry them with a tea towel, but leave them to dry of their own accord.
by Finy
If it doesn't fit in my dishwasher I don't use it.... and if it has to be hand washed, I don't wear it ;)
My dishwasher dries them for me. Can you marry a dishwasher?
Absolutely. If people can marry their dogs . . . . Sounds perfect to me - a dishwasher that doesn't answer back.
by Rice
Meggf, On tv a few years ago, I saw a story of a young woman who married herself to the Eiffel Tower!
by Miro
I NEVER hand wash... not dishes, not clothes. But even though I use the dishwasher, I still let them air dry. I run the Eco mode on the dishwasher and then open the door and let mother nature do the rest. Plus I get a nice steam facial every time I open the dishwasher door. :)
I don't have too many things to wash as I mostly use my dishwasher. But the things I do wash in the sink I 99% of the time leave them air dry
by AJ
Dry on their own. Washing dishes and pans is enough can't go through the hassle of wiping them
When necessary. I'm often out, so I can go days without needing to do any washing up. Sometimes it's required immediately.
Our mum always made us dry the dishes. What a waste of time! I let them dry naturally, even if the dish drainer is full. I simply lay down a tea towel and start stacking dishes there.
by Vee
Ideally, I like the kitchen to be clean and tidy at the end of the day so I will normally dry them and put them away. However, if I'm really tired or busy with other stuff I'll leave them to air dry. I try not to be too fanatical...
I leave them to dry
by Gia
In use the dishwasher too, so don't have to worry about tea towels. I do leave the dishwasher door open for a while after washing if I'm home at the time.
I leave them to dry unless I need them again for something. It doesn't take long for things to air dry and I've got better things to do.
I leave them to dry naturally on a rack

Depends on the amount of dishes need to be done. I'll only dry if I need additional space in the dry rack to fit the rest of the dishes that still need washing. Once I am done washing, everything in the dry is left to dry on its own.
Leave them to dry mostly although that happens these days in the dishwasher. the only time I was and dry is if I'm preparing the kitchen for guests given the dining area is in full sight of the kitchen. My children grew up in a different culture so they remind me that if I am leaving them to dry I need to wash and rinse everything before leaving it to dry.
Rack. I don't typically like to wash dishes so I get a wee lazy about drying them.
Meggf when you find out if you can mary a dishwasher can you let me know, so I can find one to mary also. I leave dishes to drain and hate that I do this. Lost my dishwasher when I divorced.
Joan, it is a lot healthier, to let the hand washing up dry naturally & to NOT use a tea-towel. My in-laws have always insisted on drying up with a tea towel. My eldest daughter uses a dishwasher, my youngest daughter & her partner also wash up by hand, & lets them dry naturally. Way to go, Girl!
by Miro
just leave them to dry in the drainer, works well,
Dishwasher manufacturer recommends, once cycle finished to open door & pull out tray to allow air drying, as a complement to heated drying machine has just done.
Always let them dry in the dish rack.

I have so much to do in a day, no time to spend doing them, unless we have people coming.
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