Do you drink/like beer?
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I do not drink, and I have never liked beer.
It is beyond me how people can go home and drink one beer after another.
It has such a bitter, nasty taste!
And especially how people can drink it in cold weather.
Wow, so many haters, I love a cold beer occasionally, especially on a cold winter night sitting outside with a nice fire burning in the outside fireplace.
I tried it a few time and I am no fan. just do not like beer.
Some beer, yes. It has to be a very nice one, I don't like cheap nasty mass produced beer.
No, I don't like the taste
I've never tried beer as I reallyh don't like the smell of it.
I do not like beer at all,not even a so-called 'good' one on a really hot day!!! It just is not my 'Cup Of Tea'!!!!!
No I don't. Not any more! As a teenager I drank a lot of beer, the more bitter the better. I also drank stout - Guinness and the like. It's very refreshing and good for you too, in some ways!
I do like the taste of beer but am not a beer drinker, it bloats me up....occasionally one a very hot day, if out, I may suddenly feel like having a small one but would never go on drinking it...
I don't drink anymore. However, when I did drink I did drink beer
I am partial to a beer every once in a while
Millions of beer drinkers can't be wrong , it a great social and some medical reports say in moderation is good .So cheers folks beers all round.
I don't like beer. Sometimes, in the summer, I wished I could find refreshment with a cold beer. Soft drinks don't quench thirst for long and water quenches thirst but doesn't tickle the taste buds.
I don't mind a nice cold beer now and again.
The only time I enjoyed a beer was after working in the garden! It hit the spot! Don't garden anymore, so no more beer!
I do have a fully imported can of Guinness on St. Patrick's Day!
Yes, I do like beer and pumpkin beer is my favorite!
I have tried beer and did not like the taste, so the answer is I do not drink beer.
I've just never been able to deal with the bitter taste - I prefer any other liquor
I don't like beer at all. The smell and taste make me feel a bit queasy.
Well, I don't mind ginger beer or ginger ale....I prefer a good lemon, lime and bitters personally!
Can't say I would choose to drink it. I like beer in my fish and chips batter though.
The stuff is just awful.....yuck.
I have had it a few times(a mouthful) but just did not like it one little bit.
It left me wondering 'why'? do people like it.
No. Not for me thank you !! I much prefer a good wine with dinner
I enjoy a shandy with lime. Very refreshing in the hotter months. I occasionally have a German or other European beer as I find them not as bitter
No. Have been to Munich three times, accidentally coinciding with Oktoberfest each time. The first was on a Contiki trip in 1971. The Bridesmaid and I share many vivid memories of that particular visit.
No, I don't like it either, & will just have 1/2 a sip of my husbands beer very occasionally. Once when I was 19, I had a beer drinking race with a friend of my husband's at another friends 21st. He won by 5 secs, & I was drunk for the rest of the night. I was sent to sit in my then b/f's car, while the parents at the 21st felt sorry for me! That just about put me off beer for the rest of my life! I'm a champagne/sparkling wine/G&T kind of gal now!
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