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Do you drink Sustagen?

by Vee (follow)
Diet (44)      Nutrition (11)      Supplements (3)     


Do you drink Sustagen?

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No. I have never really understood the point.

Does it taste amazing? Would love to know.
(no. very average)
by Rice
It's suppose to help maintain nutrition. I don't know what it tastes like either. I was just thinking it could be a good alternative to tablets for breastfeeding.
by Vee
I have . . .but it is not terribly diabetes friendly, so I have to avoid it. I used to have to make it for my late mother in law as she was sooooo thin, the poor thing. I think the vanilla tastes worse than the chocolate, which is quite bland. The thing is, it is designed for nourishing frail patients etc., so it has it's place. Mum used to chug it down with gusto.
by Rice
Okay that makes sense then. So if your diet is lacking, this would be beneficial. Right got it.
No. It is mainly given to people who have been very sick, so I haven't tried it
Nope, I know it has health benefits but I've not needed it before.
Hmmm. I knew a perfectly healthy family that use to drink it. I was thinking about adding it to my diet because I'm breastfeeding in place of the supplements I'm taking at the moment. Hmmm. By the sounds of it, I think I might stick with the tablets.
by Vee
No, I've never needed to drink it.
by Miro
No I have never used this
by Finy
I've tried Sustagen but it's overly sweet. If I'm going to indulge in a chocolate drink (which really is almost never) then I'll drink a hot European style chocolate which is custard in texture and consistency.

However, it's a great supplement for really ill people who are unable to eat or get enough nutrients into their bodies. Both my father and father in law (who have both passed away from cancer) were made to drink Sustagen to aid with supplement intake but more so as they were both terminal to provide calories for their weakened bodies. My father hated the taste and hated drinking it. Needless to say, after 3 years my mum still has a large tin of Sustagen sitting in the pantry - last opened when my dad was still alive.
by Finy
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