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Do you drink soft or fizzy drinks such as Coca Cola?

by Finy (follow)
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There are many different brands and flavours of soft drinks on the market.

Do you ever drink any?

What flavours do you prefer?

#Soft drinks
#Fizzy drinks
#Coca cola
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I never drink fizzy drinks unless there is no alternative.

When I went on a school excursion several (many) years ago, they took us all to a local recycling plant. In the middle of the plant there was a big chunk of the concrete floor taken out. Our tour guide explained to us that the concrete had gotten eaten away by soft drinks that were left in the cans when they got to the recycling centre. Since then I don't have soft drinks.
I don't understand what cans with soda in them have to do with a hole in the floor.
by mpwhe
The acid from the soft drinks leaked over time and eroded the floor of the recycling facility.
I rarely drink fizzy drinks as there is way too much sugar in them.

But I see people all day long buying these drinks.

The only time I ever usually have one is with Fish and Chips and I like a Coke to wash them down...

Saw on TV once that Fish and Chips was the worst meal for you, followed closely by Coca Cola.

I have also read about how much sugar is in these drinks!
by Finy
I know I shouldn't drink them, but on those rare special occasions I have a glass or two. I love Coca Cola. Yes, I am very aware of its ill-effects, but it is so darn delicious.
by Vee
they are so sugary! would rather have cake
by Finy
I understand your reasoning, but I can't eat pizza without Coke.
by Vee
Yes. Caffeine and sugar can be useful some days.
Only on special occasions as I try to set a good example for my kids by drinking lots of water. It helps that I have reduced sugar from my diet overall so don't crave it much anymore. The ingredients list in a lot of fizzy drinks is scary.

I am not fond of fizzy drinks at all
Very rarely. I'm not keen on all the sugar these days. If I drink them I prefer lemonade or fruit flavoured drinks. I've never liked cola.
2-3 times a year only....I seek out a Dr Pepper.
jonaj -what is Mr Pepper?
by Finy
are you kidding me?
What is Dr Pepper?......only the best drink on the market...lol..lol..lol.
Drunk and love by Americans far and wide.
You can get it at the 'reject shop' or certain fruit shops and deli's.
You have to try it.
by jonaja
but I dont drink fizzy drinks!
by Finy
no worries :)
by jonaja
I have had a terrible long-term love affair with Coke, Pepsi and sugary drinks before switching to diet fizzy. Of course on a rational and intellectual level I know they are not good for my body but on an emotional and taste-bud level I love the taste and comfort I have received from such 'bubbly-devil's juice'.
Now, however, I am drinking loads of Natural Mineral water which does have bubbles and I think my taste buds are dying because pepsi and coke are too sweet for me and I love natural mineral water.
I guess there is hope for me yet! :)
LOL Selina -I recently saw that the diet drinks are worse than the ordinary ones -guess because of the artificial sweeteners?
by Finy
Yep, Finy, they are worse and terribly addictive too.
Only when I need it as a mixer with alcoholic drinks, otherwise, I prefer juices, water and smoothies.
Do not like Coca Cola at all.
Too sugary.
Will have a sip of it , if it is the only option.

by Zen
Bundaberg Ginger Beer is my treat!
Yep, me too
by fran.
Not very often, but I am a sucker for V energy drink. I don't smoke or drink or gamble or do anything else I shouldn't do, but my one serious weakness is an ice cold V :)
Never. I try to be health-conscious and therefore only drink water.
No never
I don't drink a lot of fizzy drinks.
I could go weeks without having one.
When I do its always diet coke
by AJ
I don't drink soda but I love carbonated water with lemon juice. I have heard that carbonation is not good. I hesitate to find out why because then I would feel obligated to give it up!
Love a Diet-Coke, Ginger Ale & Fanta! Drink many litres of Sparkling Mineral Water these days though.
sometimes lemonade, mostly drink tea, milk or water
No I'm not keen on fizzy drinks particularly coke, I have never liked it, I prefer water anyday occassionally if it's really hot I may have a lemonade or a lime drink, but that is very seldom, oh there is one fizzy drink and that is soda water.
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