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Do you drink light milk?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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Light milk

Do you drink light milk, or do you prefer the full cream variety? Is it for health benefits or just because you like the taste?

If you have kids, do they get a different milk from you?

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Light or skim milk is full of things that can be harmful to the body, and contains virtually no nutritional value. There is nothing wrong with full cream dairy milk - the trick is to buy it as close to its original source as possible and made from cows that live a healthy and happy life!
No. I attended a discussion on the process of milk, and light milk is the water extract from the milk products. It may have lower fat count, however it was said that the fat molecules are easier to absorb into the blood stream adding to the increase to heart disease. So, to be safe than sorry, I try to keep to as many natural products as possible.
Is light milk different from skimmed milk? I don't drink milk of any sort; the only time I use it is in baking, in which case I used unsweetened almond milk. Both my parents drink skimmed milk with their tea.
Do drink light milk. It is much easier to digest, and doesn't leave you feeling as bloated. Otherwise soy milk is great - as lite as possible.
Nope, full cream. It's better for the kids and it's easier to buy just one kind. I don't really drink much of it anyway.
I enjoy full cream milk, although occasionally I do buy Light. However, recently I've been drinking soy milk - its nutty flavour is delicious in coffee.
It's lovely in hot chocolate too. A bit weird in tea I think but I supposed I'd get used to it eventually.
We drink (long life pack) Lactose Free Milk.

I never buy fresh milk, because it is such a pain to keep in the fridge.

We love it and we can buy it in Full Cream-Skim or Lite.

It costs just a tad more, but we have maybe 12 cartons on hand...and we have given it to people who have had a tea or coffee, they say it was udderly fine.

I drink full cream in my tea but don't really have cups of milk these days. My kids drink full cream but when I've bought light by accident they haven't mentioned noticing a difference. I don't really like light foods as they tend to have sugar added to account for the loss of flavour in the fat.
Light milk for the adults, Full cream for kids.
But after reading the answers here, I might switch to full cream since I thought we were having light milk for health reasons.
I also, after reading some of these answers may switch to full cream, may do some google research and see what "they" say… I have been drink the U2 low fat milk, although expensive, feel okay drinking that...
by brigi
Full cream milk is the only way to drink milk as far as I'm concerned. It outweighs skim, light or 'lite' milk in taste and nutritional value.
by Vee
I can't stand milk, chocolate milk is okay but it can hardly be considered milk. There is just something about taste, and the after taste which is many times worse than the actual taste. I just can't drink it anymore.
We have light milk. Now if we have full cream milk for any reason, it makes us feel sick, because of the extra fat. I think it is good to cut unnecessary fat from your diet.
No if you want less fat drink less milk kind of simple I thought
I used to till recently when my son nagged about it not being good!
by Finy
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