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Do you drink less water now that summer is over?

by Finy (follow)
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We are always reading that you should drink a certain amount of water to stay hydrated.

During summer, do we tend to drink more than in the cooler months?

Do you drink less (water) now that the weather is not as hot as it was?

How much water do you drink per day now?

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We must continue to drink and drink.

Water is vital, in Any season.Our body needs far more than
we are willing to give it!
I drink about 2 -3 cups a day, falling a tad short.

I must say......It should be twice that.
Yes, Jonaj, i read we should drink 2 litres but this includes all drinks.
by Finy
I try to drink plenty of water every day, about one litre in total. I do tend to drink less during the winter than I do in the summer months though.
by Vee
I seem to drink quite a lot less now that it is not so hot.

I am conscious of the fact that we should drink water, however, somehow in winter, I seem to forget.
by Finy
Unless I am going out, I don't tend to drink more than 1 to 1 ½ glasses of water a day.
I have to drink about eight glasses of water a day or I get headaches. I don't drink other drinks during the day except about two cups of tea, but I have to have water whatever the season.
Yes I drink less water, but more tea, so it probably evens out to a
similar amount.
Summer is just getting ready to start where I am and I'm probably drinking more than in the depths of winter. I tend to drink more hot drinks when it's cold and water when the weather is warmer.
Yes I realizes I was drinking less water and began to feel fatigued. So I fill a 1.5 liter bottle and aim to finish it everyday.
No, if anything, I feel like I've upped the amount of water I have now that winter is nearly here. I drink about 2 bottles worth of water in a day.
Yes, I seem to drink less as it gets colder. I always need to remind myself at this time of year. During summer in Perth it's a matter of survival...the weather is SO hot here that I get headaches if I don't drink enough.
I drink water 12 mths of the year including winter.If i do in Winter I drink boiling hot water. Its yum and if i want to I add something in it like lemon but its always just boiling hot water. Water is essential anyway to drink daily to be fully hydrated instead of drinking tons of dehydrating coffee
For me summers is only beginning (it actually did not leave us for more than a week). Anyway, I certainly drink more water during the hot season. At least, I am trying to.
by Fran
I think I drink the same.The battle with the heater and turning it off when it is too hot and turning it high when it is too cold makes my throat dry and that way I think I drink the same amount.
I am a water lover. I drink heaps of water no matter what time of year it is. I drink at least three litres a day easily. I just love water. I will nearly always choose water over other drinks unless I want to have something sweet or a caffeine kick.
My mum used to worry about me because I drank so much water. She took me to the Doctor to make sure I wasn't drinking too much water. But apparently, I had a good habit and it hasn't changed in all these years.
Oh no.. I still keep up my hydration routine, may be a little lesser than in summer. Also this helps quell my hunger for junk food between meals..
I still tend to drink a lot of water. Specially since our daily meals are a bit spicy. But during winter I prefer my water to be a bit warm.
Now that I'm sweating far less during the day and night time I drink much less water in winter than summer.

Although I try to drink as much as possible to maintain hydration.
'Summer.....over! You must be joking! It was 36 Degrees here yesty, with 71pc Humidity!
Drank water nonstop as was sweating continuosly, even in aircon!

I drink water when I'm thirsty, & that's the best rule of thumb!
I may not drink as much water, but I still prefer to drink that to soft drinks.
I try to keep up the water intake in winter but as I don't drink anything COLD I heat the glass of water in the microwave for a few seconds which means I can drink it anytime, yay!
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