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Do you drink a certain amount of water each day?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you drink a certain amount of water each day?

Or do you drink something else mainly?

#Certain amount
#How much
#Drink water
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Not any more!
I used to drink about 6 - 8 glasses plus tea and coffee (which I believe are now counted as your daily intake), however kept feeling sick and this disappeared as soon as I stopped drinking so much water.

by Finy
SORRY - READ MY OWN question wrong - I DO NOT drink a certain amount each day any more!
by Finy
Oh gosh!!! I could never drink so much in a day!!! I would feel so full and bloated that I would have no room for food!!! I am rather relieved that you no longer drink so much Finy!! I don't give a hoot what the magazines and reports may say, it is a very personal thing, how much we need and can actually drink without making ourselves feel ill!!! I just drink when I am thirsty!! By the way.... I adore the photo of Pusskin drinking from the tap!!! My dogs do this if they ever see a tap even dripping outside!! It happens ptretty rarely though with our water restrictions!!
by Jules
I do not pay attention to amounts, but I still believe that I have required amount of liquid. I do not really like water, but I will drink it if I am away from home. When I am at home, I drink water with a tiny bit of diet cordial added. Dietitian says that this is fine, especially considering the tiny amount I use. It also depends where I am and with whom I am with. With certain friends I am more likely to have tea or hot chocolate, if it is a social occasion. So, no I don't have a certain amount of water per day. Ot depends where I am and whom I am with. If I was mainly at home, I would drink more water. I think that's answered the question.
No. I drink whatever I feel like. I have tried the 8 glasses but that was did not go down too well.
I start my day off with drinking a glass of warm water in the morning. Then drink as I feel thirsty or after I eat during the day. I don't normally count how much water I drink.
Water sometimes makes me gag.
I may put a little juice with it.
I don't drink hot drink's very much at all maybe 1-2 a week.
Keeping a good balance of drinks is important for me, so I try.
Yes,I drink 1 bottle of water a day.
Do you keep refilling the same bottle, Shiv, or buy a new bottle of water every day?
by Miro
I don't drink a certain amount of water everyday but I do drink a lot of water everyday.
by AJ
I drink water all throughout the day, I prefer water to anything else, and I'm not keen on juices or soft drinks.
Eeeek . . ! Finy - water makes me feel sick. Jonaj - water makes me gag too. I am lucky if I get a glass of water a day as I dislike it so much. I live on tea so I do get liquid but I think my kidneys would be happier if they got more water. I have tried for donkeys' years to convince myself to drink more water per day . . . in fact I was doing that exact thing when I came to the computer and saw this question. *Spooky*
by Rice
oooo aaaahhhhhh spooooooky!
Cannot relate to water making you both sick!
by Finy
I do drink water every day, starting with a glass when I get up at 6 each morning, but I never have counted how much of it I drink!!! I just rehydrate when I am thirsty which seems the sensible thing to do....I listen to my own body and take little notice of all the so-called health reports unless my doctors verify them!!! I certainly do not spend money on a drink of water if I am out.....too expensive by far when I have gorgeous water at home 'on tap' so to speak!!! I do think that I drink more tea than water, during the day,but this is still accepted as drinking to stop dehydration, so I am definitely taking care of myself in this regard.
I grew up in southern Victo water was always cold and delicious.We always had a jug of water on the table at mealtimes, and it was just the stuff we would drink if thirsty. The water here in Nth Qld is also really lovely, so I have been rather fortunate all of my life with the quality of the tap water available.
Your right there of cause, Jules. I'd NEVER buy a bottle of water either. I even take the little bottles we're given on flights, & refill them when we go out. They're lighter too carry than my metal one.
by Miro
I have some very useful sized bottles from the water I am given at the hospital and A great way to save money and also to recycle,as well as making certain that they had lots to drink in this still very warm region!! I filled these all with water when my son was up here last week so that he and his girlfriend had lots to travel with on their daily sightseeing trips! I can honestly say I have NEVER actually paid for a bottle of water when I have been out.I abhor all the plastic bottles which are now one of the worst elements of our rubbish in this throwaway society!
by Jules
Heck no. I've tried drinking 8 glasses of water a day but am lucky if I can drink one and tthat's not each day. Funny thing was when I was working I had a thermos jug of cold water on my desk every day and drank most of it but at home, just can't do it. If I'm travelling in my car I have a frozen bottle of water with me but rarely finish it on a trip.
Yes I drink about 4 glasses of water each day.
Never more than 4. I do it because your body needs some liquid.
I use a metal drink bottle which I refill every 2nd day, & I'll take it out with me, when I leave the house, if I remember too.
by Miro
Definitely. I am on medication that requires that I keep my fluids up. I never used to drink as much, it used to make me feel sick. However I gradually built up my tolerance and now cannot go without. I like it cold the best.
Yes, I drink water through out the day. I start my morning with a warm glass of water before having breakfast. I also drink green tea with my noon meal.
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