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Do you do something special for a charity at Christmas?

by Lydia C. Lee (follow)

A lot of us choose Christmas as a time to think of those worse off than us--we buy a present for a child worse off than us, donate money, or even volunteer in a soup kitchen. Is there a reason we do this more so at Christmas than at any other time?

Do you do a charitable deed at Christmas that you don't do throughout the year? If so, why?

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Christmas is an awesome time to volunteer. It's easier, there are more opportunities, and it simple tends to feel better to volunteer around Christmas. My wife and I volunteer pretty much year-round but we spend most of our donated time with animal rescues. Although we didn't do it this year, the past 2 years we volunteered to be the photographers for a 'photos with Santa' session for pet owners. It may sound silly but you would be surprised how many people show up. We usually raise about $1000 a year even though the event only lasts a few years a night over two nights. It's a great feeling and it really helps out the dogs and cats in the rescues care.
That sounds fabulous! I want to do more volunteering. Unfortunately at the moment if I do I have to get someone to mind my kids, so it's not just my time I'm volunteering but theirs too. Ah well, they won't be little forever.
I think because businesses get behind charities more at Christmas time, such as Kmarts gift tree, that I'm more likely to think about other people who may not be able to provide gifts for their families as many of us can, and if I can help I do.

Christmas is an awesome time to volunteer. It's easier, there are more opportunities, and it simple tends to feel better to volunteer around Christmas. My wife and I volunteer pretty much year-round but we spend most of our donated time with animal rescues. Although we didn't do it this year, the past 2 years we volunteered to be the photographers for a 'photos with Santa' session for pet owners. It may sound silly but you would be surprised how many people show up. We usually raise about $1000 a year even though the event only lasts a few years a night over two nights. It's a great feeling and it really helps out the dogs and cats in the rescues care.
I generally volunteer at the Christmas gift wrapping stations and although my gift wrapping skills are poor to put it kindly, people are gracious and still donate to the variety of charities being represented. We try to get our kids involved by getting them to choose a gift for the Wishing Tree Appeal and when we're doing our Christmas grocery shop we make up a bag to drop off at the Salvation Army appeal. As a pet owner we also contribute tinned food to the local appeal. There's a lot of charity events in Perth that we also try to attend to raise a bit more money - e.g. There are a number of outdoor cinemas in our city but there's a particular one that supports kids charities so we go there out of planned choice. I'm find it difficult to always find care for my kids to do more physical volunteering, which I really enjoy, and look forward to when the kids are older so that they can join in too. Family volunteering is something I look forward to.
Helenonthesofa, If you still enjoy your gift wrapping, you may find some easy 'handy hints' on Youtube!
by Miro
I always make sure to help the kids buy presents to donate and also donate food to food drives. I think it is important that my kids see that other people don't have the immediate access to the things so many of us take for granted- like food. We also ensure that for every dollar spent on Christmas presents we match with a financial donation to charity. It ensures that we are thankful, generous and mindful in our spending.
I am sure we do it more over Christmas because we know, what we have.

We also know of what those who have nothing will face at Christmas.
I do love the human heart, and I have volunteered at Christmas(and I do it all year too).
It's about loving others, because it could be us one day.Life is very unpredictable.
I like to get some presents for people and a decoration (I budget one new decoration per year) for the tree from the Oxfam shop. That's really about it at the moment. I hope to have either more time to volunteer or more money to give at some point in the future.
Do donate some items to charity for Christmas, and also volunteer in a choir.
I try to do the Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal every year (I saw try because I've only started this in recent years). They will usually tell you (often on their Facebook page) which age groups are the most overlooked in terms of donations that year, so I buy presents for that one. I also try to put some thought into it and get them something that will last beyond Christmas, that feels like a treat they wouldn't be able to get themselves.
I have volunteered since I was a Brownie then a Girl Guide, as was my siblings. They too like me still volunteer throughout the year on a week by week basis. I belong to a charity and the charity helps disadvantaged children and women by assisting them thru school, with uniforms,books, pens etc. Children are my passion and I have donate my time and talent to raise money to them but I have with many other charities too. I've just volunteered for the 2nd time to gift wrap at Christmas for MS. Doing this is very fulfilling, humbling, and brings about a pride of having helped ppl or animals and beyond, that you can't physically touch but you can make a difference personally. Even putting some coins in a charity tin helps that cause when you have little time. There are heaps of places you can be of hood help, even at your local community centre. It's great and you meet some great ppl.
I work on buying or making items for "Christmas Shoeboxes" through out the year, then In September and October I volunteer at the Warehouse where they check the boxes. I also donate to Food bank whenever I see a box. In fact I only do my shopping where there is a Foodbank collection point.
I used to buy a gift and put in under the Target christmas tree, then for some reason they stopped it, so now my mum's retirement village have a donation of non perishables, so I donate to that now.
No I don't, as I'd never thought of doing that, & I'm trying to do my Christmas cards at that time of the year, always telling myself to start in January/February, but of cause I never do. Why not? Because I'm trying to catch up on iview episodes!
by Miro
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