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Do you do any walking as a form of exercise?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you do any walking as exercise?

#Walk for exercise
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I have to walk my dogs every morning which is great as otherwise I probably would not do any exercise at all.

I don't particularly like doing this and am always happy when I am nearing home, however it is very good exercise as I walk briskly.
by Finy
I walk my son to nursery every morning, he would prefer to drive but I insist on walking as it's really my only form of exercise. It's downhill all the way there, so we usually run quite fast, then I walk fairly slowly back up the hill again, panting and sweating and very glad to get back home and make myself a well earned cuppa!
Almost every evening lately I strap the baby to my back and go for a walk with the dog. The photo is a platypus I spotted on last night's walk..... or the ripples from a platypus LOL
Until I had to stop working almost 7 years ago now,I walked ALL the time!! I walked to and from school when growing up,I walked to and from work when I came up to Nth Qld from Melbourne!! Now I need a cane and can hardly get further than my letterbox without it.I miss walking more than just about anything else.VERY SAD!!!
I love to go bushwalking with the kids, but don't really do it that often - maybe once a week. We also often walk around the shops too if that counts!
My left leg has issues, so until that is better, then it will be off to the huge shopping malls...in air con, and walking every single floor.
Takes about an hour.
I like it better, than in the heat outside.
I don't drive, so I walk everywhere in the course of my normal day. Because of that I don't normally walk just for exercise, though I go running a few times a week. Recently I was too sick to run for a while so I went walking instead. I bought an ap called "The Walk" which is a game that gives you segments of a story when you walk a certain distance, which makes it a bit more interesting.
Yes I walk a lot! I live in a country area so it is quiet, not much traffic.
Yes - I love walking. We try and do at least 10km of walking over the weekend
by AJ
I enjoy walking, but with all this temperamental weather there's no way I'm going out now.
by Vee
Walking is my favourite exercise. It's easy to do, doesn't give me injuries the way running does, and doesn't cost a thing. Plus if I'm carrying shopping bags, the extra weight just makes it more of a workout. Or that's my excuse anyway.
Yes, we do a lot of walking and hiking for exercise.
Quite regularly. Probably the most frequent is my walk up Mt Nameless/Jundamunna in Tom Price. It's a good workout at the end of the day as the sun sets. Gotta keep an eye open for the Deathadders and Gwardars though.
by kimp
Do u live in tom price or fifo?
by Finy
Kind of somewhere in between. I'm FIFO but not in the stereotypical sense (i.e. I don't work those long shifts with the resource companies). I spend about 50% of my time living there in a house that I share with another person. While I'm there, I get nights and weekends off (equivalent to any other F/T worker who lives & works there). When I'm in my "off" swing back with my family, I still work F/T hours but online from my home office. It also doesn't pay anything like the mining companies (about half to a third actually), but it's better than being unemployed and I do enjoy the people I work for/with. Heaps better than conventional FIFO for mental and relationship health too (I don't get as much done around the house compared to working from/near home all the time, but every job has it's advantages & disadvantages and hopefully it won't be forever).

I like to look on the bright side - I don't think I would have ever gone to the expense of visiting there, so it's given me an opportunity to see some fantastic things I otherwise would never have experienced. And it really has to be experienced to be believed!
by kimp
Yes, daily. Was a keen Bushwalker in my youth. It's a very easy form of exercise, provided you can do it without any pain anywhere!
Yes - 5/6 km every day. Also exercise bike, pushups, squats and sit-ups - not that great at them but do my best. However, I do love walking and can walk for miles - good thinking time!
yes I do like walking, it is my favourite exercise. I have arthritis in my feet, so I move everyday to keep them going.
I am a tour guide at the local cemetery, and part of that is walking at least one and a half Ks per tour, so it keeps my feet going, doing something I love, and the contact with people is great!
Every Saturday and Sunday morning I walk my dog, during working day I try to get out the office and do a 25 minutes walk during my lunch time because that is the only time I can do a bit of exercise, and I love walking.
I exercise a few times a week.
Yes, I walk with a friend, 4/5 days a week, but only the 3k's around our suburb. I've been doing this for about 36 years. My friend has been walking with me, for about 30-33 years. I have heard walking is better for 'you' then running, so why do so many people run?
by Miro
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