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Do you diet often?

by chipp (follow)
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Many of us focus on following certain diets in a bid for weight loss or just a healthier lifestyle. Do you diet often and which diet do you like to follow?

#Weight Loss
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I have tried all of them and I usually lose a few kilos, but then put them back with a few extra bonus ones on top. The one that I have had the best results with - not only weight loss wise, but also lots of energy and sleeping well is Cohen's Diet, which is high in protein and low on carbs.
No, I never diet. I would do it if I needed to for medical reasons, but not for weight. I just try and eat reasonably well all the time (plenty of good food, dessert a couple of times a week, a little bit of good quality chocolate whenever I want it). Dieting sounds stressful and no fun.
All the time. Not sure what diet it is but I tend to count the calories as much as I can.
I have been on a diet for some 50 years!
I follow any one that gives results.
So far still looking!
I don't diet but I try to balance my intake of food, exercise and other chores and work I have. I don't believe in counting calories (or maybe i'm too lazy to count) but keeping a healthy balance is the best way to go.
I just try to be sensible when I can; dieting is not the answer. Our bodies simply weren't made to eat as much food as the average person's modern cuisine of fast food and junk.
No don't bother anymore. You lose the weight only to put it back on. Exercise and drinking plenty of water is the best insurance for weight loss to be sustained.
I hit menopause and put on 2 dress sizes. Thankfully not more than that. I eat rabbit food for lunch and have cut down my dinner portions. I have not lost any weight and don't eat junk food. If there's any diet out there that works let me know. It's also hereditary as my mum and auntie were large.
No, because I don't eat too much in the first place. Easy hey!
Saves self-esteem, saves money, is environmentally friendly, saves land-fill, mattress springs, you name it - its good for everything you can think of. So, just don't eat too much - to do that eat off a small plate, no second helpings, no fatty, stodgy food, cut out rice and pasta except for once or twice a year and you will never need to diet again. Easy Peasy.

It might be easy for you, but I've been struggling with my weight my whole life (47 years). I have an underactive thyroid and absolutely NO metabolism. I can diet/starve myself and exercise twice as hard and long as the average person & still only lose a few grams. My husband can drop weight so easily and can't understand why it's so hard for me and will tease me which only sends me straight back to the chocolates etc. Skinny people don't know how easy they've got it in life. People don't judge them so cruelly like they do with overweight people. ME
by steve
I am skinny and I constantly get told -you are too thin.
Sometimes it is just as hard to put on weight as it is to lose.
The nicest part of being overweight as you grow older is that your face usually looks far better than thin people's!
by Finy
Every day, until I forget and 'fall off'.
I gave up dieting years ago. I try to eat sensibly and am a regular gym goer.
Nope - but from time to time I try to cut out the rubbish I eat - I'm a shocker! That's usually enough for me.
Me and my husband are diet concious. We prefer less fatty food and eat more of green leafy vegetables
I try to eat sensibly. 'Everything in moderation' is my mantra. Besides, life is too short to not eat ice cream.
by Vee
I am on the 5/2 diet -which means you eat normally for 5 days and then only eat 500 calories for 2 days. I have lost 5 kilos though did not want to lose more than 3, however am doing it for the health benefits which include lower blood pressure, and stopping dementia, plus a few other benefits apart from weight loss.
On the first 500 day, I love it as I eat way too much but by the second day, I hate it as miss my chocolate and other nice foods.
by Finy
I have been on the 5/2 diet for about 5 months now.
Although I went on it to lower blood pressure and decrease chances of getting dementia, I have lost over 5 kilos, and only wanted to lose 2.
This seems a diet that if you keep it up, I have never met anyone who doesnt lose weight.
It is great in that for 5 days you can eat whatever you like and for 2 days you just eat 500 calories.
by Finy
I drink green tea after fatty meals. It tends to make me pee more often, but I do feel lighter. Also, I have half a liter of warm water with a few drops of lemon juice, on empty stomach, as soon as I wake up. I read somewhere that it makes your waist slimmer. I do have to wait for a few more months to confirm though.
No, never, but I do follow a healthy lifestyle. I have tried veganism and found it made me quite ill! Other than that, I simply eat right and exercise regularly - it has kept me the same size in clothes since I was 16, so I must be doing something right.
I enjoy the calorie controlled diets , no food group is a no go zone.
My Fitness Pal App is a really handy way to track progress.
Was on Body Trim as a kick start.
High Protein low carbs.
Food is part of our social environment ,need a user friendly system.
Calorie counting seems a solution for now.
by Zen
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