Do you decorate your home with your own artwork?
I always like going to people's homes and finding out the unique works of art weren't picked up at a store, but were actually painted by someone I know.
I like to paint sometimes, but unfortunately I don't really have anything good enough to put on display. Do you decorate your home with your own artwork?
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I have three extremely talented artists in my family. My Husband, My eldest daughter and my big brother. Most paintings in my home are their work.
I'd always great to have talented people nearby! I'd love if I had some pieces of art from people in my family. Sadly I don't think many of us are particularly artistic.
I do have my art hanging on my walls at home.I have been doing it 30 years, and there is always something else to learn.
I would tell anyone, give it a try!...even if they do a modern art work.
Just don't use cheep and nasty paints or brush, it is a waste of money.
I would, but my sister in law is a world class artist who flew over from LA a couple of years ago and did a collection of fantastic paintings for us while she was down here. I couldn't bear to put them away for something I did. I mean I'm good, but she gets paid to decorate people's homes in Beverley Hills, so my work would just not compare.
That sounds awesome Sarah!
I have enlarged a couple of my photos and had them printed on canvas. I am very happy with the result.
I've considered doing this Ivana. My parents actually have some old photos they had printed years ago from when they were living in Syria. I grew up with them around the house and always assumed they had been bought. I was very impressed when I found out mum and dad had taken them.
Despite the fact that I'm an adult, my mum still likes to display all the artwork I did as a child. We don't hang up anything recent though.
I don't think we still have much artwork from when I was a child. We still have a few miniature clay sculptures I did in art many many years ago.
Most definitely. Use a combination of prints purchased at a shop, as well as a few of my own I have painted for the home.
I have my HSC Visual Arts body of work on display in the upstairs tv/gaming area so when we have visitors I get reminded that we have it on display! It's just merged into the backdrop, but that doesn't make it unimportant. I would like to make more pieces to decorate the house, but then there wouldn't be enough house space!
Yes I do. I love painting in different media but my favorite is pastels. I have them framed and displayed on the wall and lots of feed back. I've sold my works too as well as had some commissions. I love doing portraits and have done animals too and have painted fantasy too. Just keep practicing to enjoy rather than putting pressure on yourself or pre emptying or pre judging yourself. Just do it! There is always some great community centre's with classes you can attend. Art is a great way to express yourself.
I do not currently have any of my painting up but I do have some of my sculptures about the place and lots of enlarged photographs in nice frames. I hate bare walls and art that can just be picked up in IKEA
I also have some of my daughters paintings about the place
I only have a large collage of sunflowers i made in 1991. I also have 2 of my grandfathers, who died in 1913, & 3/4 of my fathers abstracts, who died in 1977. I Also have 1 of one of my cousins, & a few other art works as well.And I have a lovely Aboriginal 1, I bought at an art exhibition at the Darwin museum/art gallery, about 28 years ago.
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