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Do you cut your own toe nails?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you cut your own toe nails?

#Toe nails
#Cut toe nails
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Unfortunately not.
Unfortunate because it means either I have a large stomach and cannot reach them or I am old and still cannot reach them.
Either way is not good, but I am the latter!

Skinny doesn't help for cutting toe nails.
Due to the 150 k animals jumping on top of me I cannot bend properly anymore, and therefore poor toes cannot be cut by their owner....
So it is the podiatrist every ten weeks for this oldie!
Ah well, "them's the breaks" as a husband used to say.
by Finy
Yes. Usually I cut my own toe nails. I just trim them when they need it. Whenever I have a pedicure, I get the beautician to do it. They do such a good job, and my nails look lovely afterwards.
Yes, I can't afford a pedicure as often as I'd like to, so this is the only solution. Only I need to make sure my dog is not around as she seems to like eating nails (not sure why).
annep - perhaps calcium? Don't they just eat weird things!
by Finy
Hahaha! My dogs couldn't care less . . . but if I do it outside the ANTS carry them off . . . ! Probably after the Keratin, I imagine.
by Rice
Yes I do.
I could not imagine anyone doing my nails on my fingers, so toes are way way out of the question.
Yes, it's a *high five* on that one!
by Rice
I am going to this time, before christmas as money is tight at the moment. Pedicures are great but also time consuming and "expensive" and not always at a convenient location. Although the toes look great, I am not convinced that we "need"' so much cuticle etc cut away and pushed down????
Yes, I do and it's just as well as I simply cannot bear my feet touched and will not go to a podiatrist. =^..^=
by Rice
cut my own although I do have trouble cutting the nails of the right foot cannot seem to reach the nails that well
Yes, absolutely. Can't imagine getting someone else to do it. Thankfully I'm very flexible so have no trouble reaching them.
I try too. The one or two If I can't cut, my husband will cut them for me.
by Miro
Yes I do.
It's not something I overly enjoy lol and usually the toddlers see me doing mine and then it's pedicures all round
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