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Do you cut fruit and veggies on a chopping board?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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Image from Morguefile.

Do you cut your fruits and vegetables using a chopping board or by hand as shown in the photo?

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I use a chopping board, to protect my benches. Chopping like in the picture looks tricky!
I always do, as I don't want to ruin my kitchen bench.
Well strawberries are something anyone can cut by hand.
Pumpkin is far different, so I use a cutting board(wood) for that heavy handed job.
Same for all my vegetables chopping board, I like to keep my fingers.
I need a chopping board. I am totally inept when it comes to cutting things by hand, much to my disgrace. My mother-in-law is a pro at it.
by Vee
A bit of column A and a bit of column B, depends on what is being chopped
I have different chopping boards for fruits/veggies and things like onions or other "smelly" things. I also have a dedicated board for meat in case I need to do a bit of cleaning or cutting. I chop with my hands very rarely.
I use a chopping board so my bench tops don't get marked. I don't use one for things like strawberries. - I just cut them in my hand like the image.
I definitely use a chopping board. All our knives are sharp and I don't wish to cut myself at anytime.
It all depends on what the fruit is -I would not cut strawberries on a board, or probably some other small, soft fruits however the majority I probably do cut on the board I always have near the sink drainer.
by Finy
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