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Do you cook with a view to having some leftovers?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you cook with the idea of having leftovers (therefore saving cooking another night) or do you just cook enough for each meal?

#Use leftovers
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I definitely cook with a view to having leftovers as it is just not worth going to all the trouble of cooking for one person and then having to cook each night.

When I had a partner I probably cooked the same amount but we ate more, but I tend to make too much always in case someone wants more, so generally have always had leftovers whether it be deliberate or not.
by Finy
Yes, but every time I do, the locusts eat it all lol
I know just what you mean. There is a locust in this house that would carry an elephant away ;-))
by Rice
My mum aways cooks in bulk to feed the family for the week, and put things in the freezer.
I now live by myself,so it really depends on what I am cooking,whether or not I make enough to enjoy another meal! For example......With casseroles and similar,there will always be plenty for either the next day,or for visitors.If I am cooking fresh fish or luscious lamb chops though,I will just cook enough to be enjoyed in the one sitting!
Well . . . I try . . . . but I live with a human vacuum cleaner!!
by Rice
I cook enough for each meal.
We like fresh food, and not really into over cooking at any time.
What normally then can happen is 'leftovers look 'yucky'....so we don't.

I hate waste, and it's a no-no in our house.
I do understand fully if just one person....that can make sense.
Yes, I do this often. I will use the leftovers for lunch the next day or as a snack or something.
by Vee
No I just cook enough for that meal.
No I usually just cook and eat my meal on the night.
us too.
by jonaja
I cook multiple dinners at once and use them over a couple of days - so I guess I do
by AJ
Yes we do . Leftover sometimes become lunch or dinner for another day.
by Gia
Hate 'leftovers'; won't eat them. So have always cooked enough for a meal for number of persons' eating.

ONLY exception to my rule is, I buy usually a small cut of chump end leg o' Lamb! The next day make sure buy fresh bread & have a Lamb sambo! Ooooo! Yum, with a hot cuppa!
I often have leftovers which I usually freeze because I don't like having the same meal twice in a week, particularly if the meal has been cooked in the slow cooker. However if my teenage grandson is eating, there is NEVER any leftovers as he eats everything including loads of vegetables. We eat European style with all food in covered dishes on the table and everyone helps themselves so there is never any waste as they take whatever they can eat. I never have to leave the table this way.
No not intentionally, Although as you suggest cooking to have leftovers does help when thing about further meals in the week, or freezing day the leftovers for another meal in the weeks to come.
As it’s just the 2 of us at home, I never cook enough for another meal, as I don’t like making the same meal more than once a year. Every recipe I make has to have a date in pencil next to it to it, in a recipe book, or if the recipe is from the computer, I have a list of the recipes I’ve made with dates, in ‘drafts’.
Yes especially things like stews and casseroles.
We also may save veggies and create "bubble and squeak", food should not be wasted (where possible).
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