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Do You Cook From Scratch?

by thriftyfrugalfun (follow)
Thrifty is a mum of 3 who is passionate about living a happy, simple and frugal life. You can read her blog at: thriftyfrugalfun.blogspot.com.
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Do you cook from scratch?

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Yes, most of the time. When it all gets too much, though, I just ask my husband or daughter to cook (and they usually will) or we all have sandwiches made from yummy home-made bread. It's time-consuming but I enjoy cooking...most of the time.
Home made bread is the best!
Not quite sure what you mean by "from scratch", but yes, I cook from raw ingredients though I do sometimes use tins.

Also when making a pizza, I prefer to use a bought base as make my own dough takes much longer.

Basically I DO start from "scratch" as it usually tastes better than using tins, if that is what you mean.
by Finy
I mean scratch like using whole ingredients to make a meal, rather than packets.
Sometimes. Usually I bake from scratch (well, kind of. Carl Sagan said to bake a cake from scratch you must first create the universe) because I like to be able to control how much sugar I put in etc. For everyday meals my husband and I use food from tins and jars sometimes.
I'll bake from scratch, but I won't cook from scratch. I don't make my own sauces or anything like that.
Yes, most of the time I do. That way I know what goes into my food. I hate using jars so avoid it when I can because of all the additives you end up eating along with them.
I agree!
60% yes.
40% no.
I prefer to, but I don't cook unless I'm at my partner's place because he is much *much* better in the kitchen than I'll ever be haha
Yes, majority of time. When first married, attended as many Cooking Classes as I could, as I adored cooking. Both my Mother & her Mother were excellent cooks! They taught me much, but I was like a 'sponge' & just absorbed more & more knowledge!
Yes most days. I do however use things like ketchup manis and sambal oelek when cooking Asian.
For other foods use herbs a lot many from my garden pots.
Quick stir fries with ' anything goes' are my normal meals as I cook for 1.
Yes. I have food allergies.
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