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Do you compete in fun runs?

by Lydia C. Lee (follow)
Health (523)      Exercise (71)      Running (2)     

There is no better way to get the uncommitted exerciser out for a run, than a fun run, as it adds a little frivolity to the task. Do you partake in fun runs? Which is your favourite?

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I did complete the City to Surf run/walk/crawl a while ago, but couldn't walk for a couple of days afterwards. Admittedly, I didn't do much training for it, but I figured since I can walk around the shops for several hours, I should be able to walk from the city to Bondi. Ouch.
Absolutely. I love them. I am a long distance and marathon runner. In Sydney, I love the City2Surf. They're great for raising much needed funds for charity as well.
When I hear about them I often consider signing up; but then I look at the time it starts, think about how I'd have to go around asking for sponsorship (I don't like doing that), and I chicken out.
used to, and now doing it again with my girls.
I like to do a couple of fun runs, mainly because I enjoy running with other people and being around other people that are motivated to be healthy and active. I do get put off by the cost of some fun runs (especially high cost runs that are not linked to a charity) which is why parkrun is my favourite regular fun run. It is a free, timed 5km run that is held weekly in various locations.
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