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Do you colour your hair, and do you get it done, or do it yourself?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you colour or dye your hair?

Do you do it at home yourself, or get it done at the hairdresser?

#Hair colour
#Home colour
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I have had blonde streaks put in my hair at the hairdresser for many years as even though I was blonde as a child, I went "mousey" and I did not like that colour.
Nowadays I also get a red streak down one side which is longer than the other side.
Yes I do get my hair partly dyed at the hairdresser. It is something I would not do myself.
by Finy
I used to always dye it myself until recently when it started to go very white at the front. I find that the supermarket dyes don't cover the white as effectively so now I get it done at a salon. I am still in my mid 30s so I am not ready to be proud of all the white.
I stopped just under 12 months ago. I had Hot Chili Pepper red streaks for years and I decided I was sick of the whole procedure. Going grey gracefully now. My hairdresser always did it, but he comes to us.
by Rice
I love white natural hair but and I have once little patch at the front that is white! I think short cut with white hair is gorgeous on most "older" people (which I am!) But blonde hair seems to not go grey or rather white as easily as darker hair....
by Finy
I despair . . . mine is not as white as I would like it to be. My auntie had the most beautiful white hair. I must take after the other side :(
by Rice
I've dyed mine crazy colours and put in coloured extensions a couple of times. I used to have blue and purple dreadlocks, and last year I had a bottle green bob. At the moment I just have a few blonde streaks left over from that. That was all done at home, I don't have a lot of time or money for going to hairdressers.
I get it done.
Like tomorrow! Thank goodness, sick of all the grey hair showing on my roots.Yuckkkkk.

I use to do it myself, but now for another $13
I let them do it, as I can't see so well at the back.

Plus it's hard work to do myself.

you can't see the back? well, how come miss Jonaj?
by Finy
you know...when you have to hold up a mirror to see it in the mirror behind you....and then hold that in my left hand, part my hair at the back and then use the brush to apply the hair colour....it's all a bit too much.....a balancing act.
by jonaja
Yes. I colour my hair. I colour it blonde at the hairdressers. If you are going to do it, you might as well do it properly at the hairdressers so that (1) it looks natural (2) it lasts longer and (3) the colourant used is best for the environment and the health of my hair. I always had blonde hair until my late teens when it started to change colour. Lighter hair looks best with my lighter skin. Darker hair would make me look half dead !! So, I have coloured it ever since.
I always used to have stunning colours in my hair,as my hairdresser was a very close friend and I would allow her to use my 'mop' to teach her talented apprentices! However,after I had a brain tumor removed,I found that I couldn't stand having my scalp touched !!! I have since allowed my hair to grow naturally and beautifully translucent! I love it.It is so much easier to look after and cheaper as well!!!
I have never dyed my hair.
by Vee
I get highlights and I get them done at the hairdressers
by AJ
Always havee mine done at the hairdressers ss i go every Saturday and have done so for over 40+ years, overseas holidays excluded and a couple of interstate ones.
I dont anymore but I used to. I tried doing it myself but did not achieve the results I wanted so I went to a hair dresser. Red streaks in black hair ... I wont mention how long I was sitting in that hair dressers chair bleaching my hair to achieve the colur I wanted! Lets just say it was a long time!

Only two weeks after though the red streaked hair started breaking! Im told that if id used a reputable hair dresser this would not have happened - maybe. So, I dont dye my hair anymore!
I do not colour my hair a all.
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