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Do You Colour Coordinate When You Wrap Your Christmas Presents?

by Sharm Jay (follow)
Christmas (129)      Gifts (51)      Craft (21)     

Do you give much thought to colour coordinate the gifts you give or do you just wrap them with what ever wrapping you can get your hands on?

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I do it with a great deal of gift giving, it looks amazing and it's fun to do....LOVE it!

I think it is something some people may not have the nack or time to do.It's just a matter of picking 2-3 colours, and making sure those are the only colours you use.

They can be in different shades of those 2-3 colours. :)

I'm not really clear on what is being asked, so I'll take a guess. If I'm wrapping gifts for Christmas so there could be a number of gifts for people in the same family (eg parents) I try to wrap each person's in slightly different paper but have to admit my wrapping is often at the last moment due to trouble getting the necessary gifts in time, so it doesn't usually go to plan. It it's or other occasions and individual gifts, I do try to co-ordinate when I can.
I colour coordinate out of necessity. Cause I use the same wrapping paper to wrap them all.
Not so much coordinating the gift colour to the wrap colour . . . more picking the wrap to suit the person . . . fave colours, interests. etc. I do love a nice metallic gold wrap, however. For Christmas I always use the same wrap for each different branch of the family.
by Rice
I wrap it with whatever I have, but whatever I have is usually colour coordinated anyway! Thrifty and good-looking!
by Vee
I dont quite understand this -however the answer would be no as I just wrap.
by Finy
At Christmas, I don't really bother. The presents are going to be ripped apart in a few seconds, so no need to make everything 'pretty'. Sometimes, at Christmas, if I have enough paper, I will wrap each persons gifts in different coloured wrapping paper, to make identifying each persons pile easier. Half the time, I don't have enough wrapping for that. If it is a personal gift for a friend, I do dress it up more and will use pretty paper and matching tie. I know it will be appreciated
ALWAYS! I have my Christmas colour list from 1980, to 2025, & the wrapping paper has ALWAYs matched the tree decorations. This wonderful idea came from my aunt, who was an abstract artist. She'd have a small spray-painted (dead) tree branch, with beautiful tiny decorations that matched the wrapping papers, cushions, curtains, everything in the room where the tree was. It was fairyland to me, while I was growing up! And also like me, not a piece of sticky tape in sight, only ribbons. I have bags & bags of coloured (used) papers!
by Miro
Yes I try to make them look pretty.
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