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Do you collect tourist hats?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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Tourist Hats (Image by Gayle Beveridge)
Image by Gayle Beveridge

It's rare these days to visit a tourist spot that isn't selling a souvenir hat. These can be a very practical purchase particularly if you find yourself in a sunny environment without a hat but some people collect these like others collect spoons.

Do you collect tourist hats?

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We didn't set out to collect tourist hats but we seem to so often be somewhere on a hot day without a hat and another is bought. The hats in the photo are but a few we have ended up with over the years.

They are some of the most practical souvenirs to be bought except perhaps tea towels, all of which we use until they are thread bare.

I want one now that says 'Back of Bourke' and fingers crossed I shall have it soon.
Ooooh, I love a tea towel . . those are the things I will buy and use. They are also useful and visible . . can't see a cap on your own head :-))))
by Rice
No, this is something I would never do -I collect things that are unusual and rare, and if I need a hat while away, I probably wouldnt even keep one I bought.

I don't generally bring back souvenirs from places I visit -used to but they were useless.
by Finy
I'm with Finy on this one....I would more than likely buy something of value.
by jonaja
No, it's not something that has ever occurred to me! I always take my sunhat with me on a sunny day and rarely pay any attention to tourist souvenir shops....
I've a few, but they represent something significant each, to me.
If have anymore occurrences like that, I'll buy a cap, but not otherwise.

Have two main hats.....a white, small 'floppy' one & my Akubra. Both get plenty of wear in the sun!
I didn't know this was a thing - so no, I don't collect tourist hats as such. Then again, I don't actually wear hats so I don't see myself doing this anytime soon :)
no i don't
No. I simply can't see the point and the hoarder who shall remain nameless has dozens of the damned things rolling all over the place anyway. I do have one which came with a package to an air show but I have never worn it.
by Rice
No.......that's a little Old Hat
for me.
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