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Do you collect seashells?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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When you walk along sea shore, you come across interesting things, seashells being one of them. Are you tempted to pick them up and take them home? Do you have a fair collection of seashells?

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I used to, then with moving around the world meant that not all the shells could come with. As a result, I stopped collecting and just look and leave!
I have a big jar full of shells that we collected with the kids when they were little. Lovely holiday momento.
I love looking for shells, even now...especially when I'm travelling up north. I feel like I'm a treasure hunter when I find an especially nice one! These days I don't usually take them home, though, except if they're exceptionally nice. Some of the most beautiful ones I've ever found were when my family and I did a camping trip up at the Ningaloo Reef near Exmouth...there was a small deserted beach littered with perfectly-formed shiny cowrie shells.
I love to collect them even now.
I have a big one, that is on a table outside.I only have 3 very big ones.
The other two are inside in the bathroom, and very special.

Haven't been to the beach of late..time to do some more collecting.
I've not been to the beach in years and even then I'm more of a rock collector.
No. I used to as a kid but I don't really have anywhere to put them now (small house and 2 little kids- not a great combo for having lots of small fragile things) and I don't go to the beach much anyway.
I used to until one day I thought, "Gross! What is that smell?!" I had accidentally brought home some sea creatures, which I had obviously killed as a result. Good one, Vee. I was six at the time. Scarred me for life.
by Vee
Collecting seashells is a fun and relaxing past time - we have a lot of larger shells around the garden and every time I walk past I remember the beaches we found them on.
by Lucy
Nah. I am not much of a collector of anything.
My husband does. We have quite a collection shells big and small of which some are displayed at various stations in our home.
As a kid, yes. Not now.

Have a friend whose hobby is to collect shells from various parts of the world. Big, beautiful collection!
I used to collect them and sell them on Ebay!
by Finy
Ilove collecting sea shells, but I like the big unusual ones.
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