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Do you collect postcards and does your collection have a theme?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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My Postcard collection

Postcards are fast becoming a thing of the past but before they were holiday cards they were a popular method of communication.

Do you have a postcard collection? Do you collect to a theme or a time frame?

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I have been collecting postcards of my home town. Mostly I buy them on ebay and have more than a hundred now. I particularly like the used ones. There's something rather special about letters written more than a centruy ago.
Yes I collect them, can't say there's a real theme as such, just a collection of places I've been.
I do keep them yes, the theme is that they've all been sent to me by people I love.
I did used to collect postcards and I collected old dog ones -at the time they were quite difficult to get, and I have a collection of only about 50, all neatly laid out in plastic book.
by Finy
I don't collect them in an organised fashion but if I see one that I like or that is of something meaningful, then I will buy it and keep it. I sometimes come across one or two when I'm looking for something else and it gives me a minute or two of pleasure looking at them.
I do not collect postcards. But I have 2 with me right now because I want to send them home.
by BK
I don't collect but I've kept a few interesting ones that have been sent to me. I also like the ones with interesting stamps
When I little, I collected the Titanic postcards that were sold as collectables. I found them on eBay a couple of years ago and had to have them.
by Vee
I've just joined the website 'post swapping' where you automatically get the details of someone overseas to send a postcard to, then once it's arrived and they've registered it on the site, someone else will get your details to write one to you. Done 4 and got 4, so far.
yes I have a collection, far too big, need to get rid of them, as they take up too much room, do not collect anymore
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