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Do you close your bedroom door at night?

by Sharm Jay (follow)
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Do you keep your bedroom door open when you sleep at night or are you comfortable sleeping with the door closed?

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Very much so!
Kind of.Its more of what I might encounter.
No, I leave it open in case my daughter has a nightmare and wants to come in for a cuddle.
No, as there is no need. Its just me and my husband in our home.
Yes. I cannot sleep in a room with open doors.
Yes, I do - it helps make me feel safe and also because I like having my personal space intact for the duration of the night.
Yes, otherwise light filters into the room and I can't sleep unless it is pitch black in the room.
by Vee
I have two young kids so I keep my door open at night so I can hear if they wake up and need me.
No it is left open because my dog sleeps under my bed and she needs to be able to go in and during the night to go to the toilet.
I leave my bedroom door open at night as I have two dogs and one goes in and out through the dog door during the night.
Even if I did not have dogs, I think I would still leave the door open at night, though on a few occasions when I was younger I closed it when I was frightened in the house.
by Finy
No,never. Our Kids that's our cats & dogs would go crazy if we ever close the door.It's cool that way & we feel quite safe.
No! Way too hot to do so!
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