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Do you clean your house yourself or pay someone to do it?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you clean your house yourself, or do you pay someone to do it?

#House cleaning
#Cleaning person
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That is one thing I have rarely done myself -only on the odd occasion.

I will cook all day but I cannot stand to clean a house!

So, I have always paid someone to do this for me.

Certainly now that I am older, I do not want to waste time doing things I do not enjoy as have to make the most of the time I have left!
by Finy
I clean my house myself. It doesn't take long seeming as its a small enough apartment and it doesn't really get that messy
by AJ
I have never had anyone clean my house.

I do it myself, plus I could not afford too....or...wonder if they would do as good a job, as myself.

I clean the house myself, and I don't mind doing it. I prefer to do the cleaning myself. I don,t think anyone would be as thorough as I am. I would not like a stranger coming in to do something I am quite capable of doing, thank you very much. It doesn't take that long, and I feel very happy and proud after it is done. Once it is finished, I can enjoy my weekend with a clean house!!
You go kid! I'm right there with you :-)
by Rice
I do it. It'd be nice to have a paid cleaner, but that's expensive.
Used to. But now get a cleaners in. Two women, two hours, costs same as 1x4hours, which gives me more time, & house is sparkling!

Well worth every cent, as is my most hated chore! I'll cook, wash, hang-out/bring-in, press clothes all day, but house cleaning, to me, is yuk to the nth degree! Greatest waste of time EVER invented!
I do this myself despite it being rather difficult due to illness.I am no longer able to work so I really cannot afford a cleaner.But I think the main reason is I do not like others touching my 'stuff' as I have some lovely collections and if I break them myself,that is one thing,but if someone ELSE was to break or damage anything,that would be a whole OTHER matter!!! Also,while I am able to do ANY of these chores,I feel that I am doing a lot better than my body wants me to!!! I am not fanatical about it though and I cannot say it is my favourite thing to spend time doing as I have so many much lovelier past times to get into,but it is part of life for me. I was sent a magnet by a very close 85 year old friend who has a cleaner once a week.It says....'My idea of housework is sweeping the room with a glance!' I must admit that some days this is definitely how I feel!!!
My husband and I clean our home together. For a time though I cleaned the homes of other people for a living. Compared to the office work I do now, it was a hard way to make a dollar and I take my hat off to those who have spent years cleaning houses to earn a wage.
For over 20 years I earned a living cleaning other peoples houses.
It was great exercise, and I met some wonderful people, and I still keep in touch with some of those people today!
I can not earn enough to cover the time to pay someone else so no I do it my self
I don’t have anyone in to do it, & I don’t do it either!
by jonaja
II clean it myself. It's my mess. I wouldn't feel right having somebody clean up after me. That said, having a clean house with zero effort on my part would be really nice.
by Vee
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