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Do you clean the gutters yourself, and/or how often do you have this done?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you clean your house gutters yourself, or do you have to pay someone to do this?

How often do you do it?

#House gutters
#Clean gutters
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I would also not do it myself, however I get it done every 1 - 2 years as otherwise my gutters leak.

I have a verandah type thing at the back and all the furniture gets wet if I do not keep the gutters cleaned and free from dirt.
by Finy
I most certainly do not do it myself - that would be a surefire recipe for falling off the roof and breaking my neck! We have it done probably every two years or so. We have ivy growing up our house and that needs to be cut back fairly frequently so the gutters get cleaned at the same time.
I have a friend who does this for me at least twice a year! IOt does not gtake him very long at all,but it is essential with the tropical climate to keep them clear!
We have our gutters cleaned when we notice water splashing out of them, but we'll clean the gutters of the shed ourselves. It's a flat roof so it's not as dangerous as cleaning the gutters on the house.
by Vee
We clean them ourselves, always in the lead up to fire season.
I live in strata units and we have it done once a year in our maintence..
by fran
I have no gutters to worry about being in a rented apartment
by AJ
I have done it myself. Usually once a year.
Himself does it and it scares the cr@pola out of me, especially as he has put on a lot of weight. Wheeeeee. Plonk.
by Rice
Very Funny, Rice! I hope your other 1/2, doesn't read that!
by Miro
We don't clean the gutters our selves, & even though they're full of leaves, we don't pay anyone to do it for us either.
by Miro
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