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Do you check your tyres regularly?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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I thought I was pretty good at maintaining my car, but had to rethink that this week when one of my tyres shredded. I didn't even know that could happen. Luckily I wasn't going fast and the tyre held out until I got to the service station where I get mine changed.

Do you check your tyres regularly, or is it a once a year thing at registration time?

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My mechanic does it for me.
In fact when one has the car serviced every few months, the mechanic is the one who must check them....and tell the driver, they will need to be replaced that visit, or if not too bad...next time you return to service your car.It could be one tyre,or two....but that's all part of his job.
If he is not doing it, you have to find a better one.
I definitely don't. Only when the car gets serviced I am altered to this if needed.
I get my car serviced regularly so my mechanic tells me when I need new tyres. In fact, I just had them replaced 2 days ago.
Not often enough....I have had number of flats and one always pushes that envelope.
I had my car keyed last week so admittedly in recent times I have become pedantic about inspecting the state of my tyres and general appearance of my car.
That's so annoying. I was admiring a beautiful new red car the other day until I noticed someone had keyed a big x into it. Really spoiled it :(

I'll have to be more diligent in future. I thought because two had been changed recently the other two were fine.
Admittedly, I do not check my tires often at all. My vehicle is a old secondhand car and I do not pay enough attention to it. I rarely check to make sure I have the right pressure in them too. I really ought to have them looked at or changed. I was recently driving on the highway and it felt like my vehicle was swerving to one side and it actually made me a little nervous. I've decided to make an appointment to have the tyres checked

Good idea. On the freeway is not where you want to find out.

I have my car serviced every 6 months but they have told me I need to check the tyres in between for pressure as they are always too low. This apparently causes them to wear quicker and uses more petrol.
by Finy
Got my tires replaced today - didn't realise they were so expensive!
Replacing tires at the right time is important for the good performance of vehicle, and also for ability to drive safely and comfortably.It is advisable to change your tires before your tread depth is worn to 1.6 mm.

Got Four new tyres about 3 months' ago. My car is regularly checked by my mechanic.

My car weighs one & half tons, not tonnes, so its' tyres must be the best!
I consider my life 'drives on my tyres', so VERY particular about them!
My husband tends to see if there is a problem with the tyres.
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