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Do you celebrate St Patrick's Day?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
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stained glass window, St Patrick
Stained glass window at St. Benin's Church, Kilbennan, County Galway. Photo by Andreas F. Borchert.

Do you celebrate St Patrick's Day? If so, how do you celebrate it? Is it a religious occasion for you, a day of Irish pride, or just an excuse for drinking and eating green foods?

#St Patrick's Day
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I don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Im so un-intune with it that I don't even know when it is. I only find out when I start seeing it advertised.
St.Patrick was a amazing man indeed, who converted a great deal of people to Christianity, bless his soul.
He had also one of the best 'tool's' to teach people about the Holy Trinity, which was a shamrock leaf.......One leaf....yet three.
I don't really do anything on the day, years gone by when I was little it was a celebration...as it was my Father's Birthday also.
No I dont!
by Finy
Nope - I'm not religious, or Irish, so I see no reason to celebrate it.
I am of Irish descent but I am only really aware of when it is because it's the day before my son's birthday.
No, but I enjoy seeing my Irish neighbour throwing herself into the celebrations with her Irish friends. She posted some great pics on Facebook.
Yes, too much Irish ancestry to notM
Enjoy a good meal out, with a pint o' Guinness, if course!
When at School, we got a Holiday for it & remember one year, nearly my whole class went to see movie 'Ben-Hur' at the Metro Theatre!
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