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Do you celebrate Mardi Gras?

by dom a (follow)
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Mardi Gras sign

It has become one of the major events on the Sydney calendar, not just bringing a huge amount of colour and revenue to the city of Sydney, but helping to create tolerance and understanding of a person's sexuality.

Do you get involved? Do you think the Mardi Gras is good for Sydney? Do you think it could be done differently?

#Mardi Gras
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I don't live in Sydney and have never been there at Mardi Gras time but given the number of people who do travel there especially for it it must bring a fair few tourist dollard into Sydney each year.
Oops! Sorry, I don't know why my responses come up twice sometimes.
I don't live in Sydney and have never been there at Mardi Gras time but given the number of people who do travel there especially for it it must bring a fair few tourist dollard into Sydney each year.
It is called Pancake Day in the UK. We don't celebrate it, but Dad always insists on having pancakes.
The gay Mardi Gras is different from the religious festival. It's a gay pride thing.
Oh okay, sorry about that. In that case, we don't have that festival here.
I think the Mardi Gras still has a bit of a way to go before it reaches its potential. I don't have any great suggestions to offer, but I'm sure there are some people who do.
No I do not get involved, or celebrate it at all.....it's not my cup-of-tea.
No, don't celebrate but we live in the heart of it all, so there's lots of decorations and atmosphere. The only thing that should be done differently, is that if we can celebrate them with a parade, it is surely time to allow them to get married.
Also while I know the ATM's were well meaning, it made me a little uncomfortable - I'm not entirely sure it's not inappropriate, but I can't place my finger on the reason why...
And sorry for the use of "them" - that reads a little "you people". But you know what I mean, shorter than GLBTQI community.
No. I always thought the Mardi Gras was intended to be celebrated by the GLBTQI community. I feel that if I celebrated the Mardi Gras it would be akin to a Jew celebrating Easter. Does that make sense?
by Vee
Years ago, I used to go into the city to watch the parade, starting in Elizabeth St, up Liverpool & Oxford Sts, then down to where the Royal Easter Show used to be held, at the SCG where they hold a dance party. I was once in there the following day, & I saw people from the parade wondering around, after the dance party! The only reason I don't go to watch the parade anymore, is because I can't stand up, waiting for 4/5 hours for the parade to start as it hurts my back, standing for any length of time, but I do usually watch it on SBS a day of 2 later. The parade is on the 1st Saturday in March, (for those people not in the know.) People fly in from all over the world to take part & to watch it. As soon as 1 parade is over, they start work planning the next 1. Wow, all that work!
by Miro
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