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Do you carry a fancy luggage set when you travel?

by Sharm Jay (follow)
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Do you opt for an expensive known brand or an inexpensive unknown one when it comes to choosing your travel luggage?

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No way. I work for an airline and handle baggage claims. Luggage gets damaged whether it's cheap luggage or fancy, expensive luggage. Trust me - your expensive Samsonite is not going to survive the journey any better that a sturdy cheaper model from K-Mart or the like. And if something does happen to it, it isn't the end of the world. Apart from carelessness from some baggage handlers, it can sometimes get caught on conveyer belts, or worse still, go missing altogether. We have people trying to have us replace their expensive suitcases that have something as simple as scuff marks on them which is just normal "wear and tear". I've even heard stories of people crying because one of the bags in their set has been damaged and they can't find an exact match to replace it. When it comes down to it, it's just something to transport your clothes etc. in. I travel a lot and my "cheapies" have lasted me really well.
I don't carry fancy luggage, but people who do can easily recognize it on the pick-up belt. Besides, they can make a fashion statement even with their luggage. I wonder what the luggage handlers think about people with fancy bags! :)
I just have an ordinary suitcase or backpack. I couldn't care less what it looks like as long as it will hold my stuff and not fall apart.
I'm with you. :)
by jonaja
No, but I think it is a good idea. At least you can recognize it when it come through the pick up area! ;)
Whenever I travel, I usually use a large bag, which has wheels and a handle. Because it's soft you can pack a lot in it. It's a little beaten up now, but still my favourite.
I'm aware how baggage handlers treat luggage....So I would never buy expensive luggage.
I just get something that is strong, and also one that maybe others would not choose, with wheels...so I can identify it very quickly.

I also always tie a ribbon that I think no one else would have, so I really know its my luggage.
Not too fancy as luggage bags get dirty on the conveyor belts. I have Guess luggage sets - fairly fancy yet not overly special but practical.
I have a Dakar (the rally) travel set which I consider fancy - it 'a a duffle bag. I adore it but when we travel as a family we have 2 suitcases both about 14 years old...not matching.
I do lament the passing of the steamer trunk - that would be the best way to travel!
No, I think travel luggage should be about practicality. It will get thrown around on luggage carriers and other people handling the luggage. Expensive and branded luggage can also attract more thieves and can be easily recognized and may attract unwanted attention.
No. I bought an awesome middle of the road peice about 10 years ago, it has a handle and wheels and fits all my things in nicely and is a nice dull grey colour so the dirt it gets exposed to in the undercarriage of planes doesn't show up. I have a bright address tag in it to identity it and don't need anything else.

No, I prefer a bag in which all luggage would fit. I'd rather opt for sturdiness. Handbags I have fancy ones
No I usualy prefer travelling with light weight luguage.
No I usualy prefer travelling with light weight luguage.
No, although it does look very attractive in the shops! As well as being a bit out of my price range, I think it could be a magnet for thieves who assume that only wealthy people travel with fancy bags. Therefore, when I travel I just bring a standard old black suitcase with a ribbon tied onto it so I can recognise it on the conveyor belts.
No, although it does look very attractive in the shops! As well as being a bit out of my price range, I think it could be a magnet for thieves who assume that only wealthy people travel with fancy bags. Therefore, when I travel I just bring a standard old black suitcase with a ribbon tied onto it so I can recognise it on the conveyor belts.
No. Not worth the money. I was very disappointed on a recent trip when my identifying red sock was mislaid on one leg of the journey. My husband still has his, but it's off to the op shop to look for a replacement for me. This was an old knee high from when such socks were fashionalbe. Try the 'sixties - a vintage item!
I use a small backpack and roll all my clothes up into it. That way I can carry it onboard with me and don't have to wait at the carousel for it, or worry about it getting lost.
No I dont. If I had some I would take it though
by Gia
No never. It's just gonna get thrown around and may be damaged during transit so there's no point.
When I started work, in 1969, my Mother & her Sister bought me a COMPLETE set of Olive Green soft luggage.
They had been 'commissioned' by TAA to 'Triplite' company to make.

They've withstood everything in many years' of travelling by Air, Train & Bus!
Easy to spot on carousel as they're so old, nobody has same!

Suitcases aren't made like THAT anymore! Lol!
no, mine are not fancy
by Finy
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