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Do you buy your mobile outright, or prefer to have a plan?

by Finy (follow)
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buy mobile
Photo: jannoon028 - www.freedigitalphotos.com

Many people do not want to pay for their mobiles, so they take out a plan and get a free mobile.

Do you do this, or do you buy your mobile outright, and have more of a choice what plan you go on to?

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I also only ever buy them outright as I think it is cheaper in the long run to do this, and I agree with what Vee has said -I much prefer to choose my own (low) plan than be with the same people for 2 or 3 years.
by Finy
I prefer to purchase a mobile outright as this gives me more room to move in terms of choosing a provider and the amount of credit I need on a month to month basis.
by Vee
This way too, there are no hidden costs whatsoever.
by Vee
I have not bought one now in 10 years, still have the same.

I will buy a new one this month...sadly.
I need it to be un-locked, so I can have my own provider.
The other way, is expensive I believe.

I don't have a phone, but if I were to buy one, I would buy it outright.
I have always had my phones on a plan, but now that my current phone is nearing 3 years old, I think I will buy one outright when I go to replace it because I don't enjoy being locked into a network.
I prefer to buy mobile outright.
Definitely bought outright,and UNLOCKED as well!! This is an emergency phone only,not something I have joined at my hip!!! It gets used so very rarely,that I like total control over which provider to go with.
I still have a "dumb" phone and on a low plan, it was purchased outright. It is still good enough for texting and phone calls and it can receive photos (???) It is useful to have in my pocket. I use it more now since I no longer work, but not to any detriment where it has CONSUMED me!
Bought my first Mobile on a Plan with Optus. That was Jan'96! It was a 'brick'.......

Updated phone type, 2005, to a 'half brick'.

Still have that phone. Am happy with it as it does what I want, as originally, Emergency, if car broke-down! And THAT has happened many times 1996-2015!

I'm a great believer in 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' philosophy.
I don't need the 'latest' whizz-bang phone, as have an ITablet anyway!

Am a 'Luddite' so 'technology' is so 'oh, yawn' with me!
As long as my phone works in an Emergency situation, that's all I need, just the basic!

We bought our phones, they got a NO plan from Vodafone, many years ago. We mostly spend under $5 a month, so that will then be moved onto the next month, or until it reaches over $5! We have never bothered having Apps either, although I don't know if that would make any difference.
by Miro
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