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Do you buy your cheese already grated, or do you grate it yourself?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you use the more expensive and convenient way, and buy your cheese already grated, or do you buy a whole piece and grate it yourself?

#Grate cheese
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I used to always buy a block and grate it myself, however my time is now too precious to waste on things like this that I can do an easier and quicker way.

So I no longer grate my own, and have no dishes to wash, and just buy several different types at a time, and generally freeze them once they are opened.

It is then very easy to just take a bit out when I need it -far more convenient than doing myself, and putting into bags, and sealing etc etc
by Finy
We buy it in a block. That way we can grate it or slice it as needed.

It makes life so much better, so I buy sliced swiss or the like.
Others, that I am looking for (may) be already
grated, I will op for that.I HATE to grate!
Me too Jonaj -forgot to say I buy swiss cheese also -Jarlsberg, though I now get them to slice that for me as they do it nice and thin which is how I like it
by Finy
by jonaja
I hate grating too.
by Vee
Oh! Vee, 'graters gotta hate'......lol!
by donjo
When I was a working mother of a school age son,I would buy grated cheese as it was so easy and useful. Now that I am on my own,I tend to get my favourite cheeses sliced as I prefer them from the Deli.I cannot remember the last time I bought grated cheese.
I have bought grated cheese thinking perhaps I would not eat soo much (I adore cheese of all kinds, even the smelly ones!
Lately, however, I have gone back to buying it is block form
by Fran
I buy both - I hate grating, so the bock I slice.
by Vee
The cheese I like does not come ready grated - and even if it did, I don't think I would buy it like that! Quelle horreur!! I shudder to think what it must do to the taste to have it sitting around grated...
I buy it already sliced
by AJ
We buy it in whole pieces and grate it ourselves.
Like Mild in a block & Tasty pre-grated. Buy Parmesan already finely grated to atop Spaghetti Bolgnese!
in the block I can then grate or slice it however I want it. I also know what I am getting when I buy it, do not trust those prepackaged ones
It depends on the cheese and what it is being used for.
For example grated Parmesan is better purchased grated, most other cheeses we slice or grate ourselves.
Alternately cheddar slices are useful on thinly sliced bread (being of even slice).
Cost does play a big part choice of cheeses purchased.

I buy it grated
I grate my own cheese, I like my grated cheese to stay fresh, and besides, it's cheaper!
I buy both.
Grate it myself, I don't use it a great deal so it works for me.
I always buy block tasty cheese, but when I buy the parmesan, it doesn’t stay fresh long enough, as I don’t need to use it very often, so I do now buy that already grated, & keep it in the freezer.
When I need to buy the parmesan again, I’ll buy the block, & keep it in the freezer.
Na, I've been buying the parmesan already grated, & keeping it in the freezer, along with the Mosozflla grated cheese, but I do buy the kilo blocks of cheddar cheese, & grate that when it's needed to be grated for a recipe.
by Miro
Grate it myself
I love Kraft's packs of both 3 or 4 types of grated cheese. Very easy to use, & saves TIME!

I will grate my Devondale Mild 500g or 1kg pack, though.
I live cheese, of any type, & it's good for you!

I've found it easier and cheaper to buy my mozzarella cheese grated but buy the block cheese so I can either slice or grate as I need to.
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