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Do you buy red or green capsicums and which do you prefer?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: hotblack -morguefile

Do you buy the more expensive red capsicums, or the cheaper green ones?

Which one do you prefer?

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I love the sweet taste of red capsicum and rarely buy the green ones any more.

They are far more expensive however I think they are worth it.

A healthy vegetable also, I eat it raw most days with lunch.
by Finy
Totally agree with you, Finy. Mmmmm. Red capsicum - as good as an apple any day.
by Rice
I like the red and yellow ones but don't often buy them...prob cause of the price! Prob will in Summer...
by Fran
Yes I love them, and great in most cooking.
I buy first the red ones...love yellow and orange, then I may buy a green one.
I have bought all three. Personally, I don't have a preference, it just depends on what I'm cooking.
by Vee
Norma also buys a purple 1, Vee. I think she lives in another country, as I haven't seem them on the supermarket shelves in Au. Why can't the purple ones be grown 'here'? Wouldn't they look nice with the other coloured ons, in a curry or salad?!
by Miro
I totally agree, miro_. Actually, I once bought purple sweet potato thinking it would look brilliant with the other coloured potatoes. Needless to say, I was disappointed when I peeled it, and it was white!
by Vee
All the colours....but I like the red ones the best.
I prefer red raw - when cooked I like both green and red. I buy red every week and only sometimes I buy green
by AJ
Depends on what I need it for - I love red, but sometimes it's just more cost effective to get the green. And even more cost effective to grow my own!!
I love ALL capsicums,whether cooked or Raw!!! They are so good for you as well as delicious!
Red. Prettier.
Either. Love them crunchy raw. Full of Vitamin C!
I prefer RED, but the children prefer Green in their Peanut Butter sandwiches.
Red seems to have a bit more taste than the green so I go for them.
definately red

I buy a packet of 1 green &1 red 1, & use what ever the recipe I’m cooking says to use!
I actually use green, red, orange, yellow and purple in some of my dishes. I love the splash of mixed colour they add, also the flavour.
Sorry, should have answered the question properly - I have no special preference of colour.
by norma
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