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Do you buy clothes online?

by helenonthesofa (follow)
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Photo: Maclapessoa - Wikimedia Commons

Shopping online is a great way to shop to grab some great bargains all from the comfort of your couch. With many overseas shops offering free or discounted delivery to Australia, it can be a great way to kit out your wardrobe cheaply and easily. However, online shopping means that you can't try on the outfits before you buy, so you do run the risk of buying ill-fitting clothes which you then have to return. Would you or do you get your clothes from online stores?

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Top Answers
Yes, I definitely buy clothes online, though I still prefer to try them on in a "real" store.
I cannot resist some of the bargains online, though have thrown out about 5 pairs of cheap shoes, or given them away, as they did not fit right.
by Finy
Yes I do buy clothes online from ezibuys.com.au and have bought them from other overseas retailers as well.
Absolutely! Having lived a lot of my life in the UK I still get clothes from Top Shop, Next, Debenhams etc especially with the prices and the reduced or free shipping. I'd love to solely buy Australian clothes but the price alone restricts this.
Yes. When I get into a designer and know that the clothes will fit (or know what size I am with that designer) I am happy to buy online.
I don't think I've ever bought clothes online... I don't buy clothes that often, and I usually like to try them on first. I know that retailers like ASOS usually have good returns policies, but I know I'd never get around to sending them back if I didn't like the fit. I have been tempted lots of times, but then I'm much more likely to go buy some books instead.
I can't so I don't because I just ordered a customized shirt, but on the whole - I don't because of the sizing issue. However, lately the sizing was spot on and was very very happy with the product. So...my foot is a little further in that - buy online camp! ;)
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