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Do you buy babyccinos?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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If you had a little one, would you buy them a babycino while you are getting yourself a coffee? Does it help to entertain them while you are enjoying yourself?

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It helps a child to interact well, with parent and others.
Later it will become the norm, so brilliant idea.Something that will be a lasting memory too.The sooner children are introduced to 'outings', the more they like them.
Definitely - the kids love them and it is quite fun to see how different cafes serve them (rainbow sprinkles, marshmallows, chocolate sprinkles). I reckon the one in your photo looks really rather good.
by Lucy
Yes, that was a Max Brenna one. I was tossing between it and a hot chocolate and am glad we went for the babycino because they put their real melted chocolate on top. Looked delicious.
Brenner that is.
When my son was little, I did buy it for him a few times, but sadly he is too old for "baby" anything.
I don't tend to buy them, but at places where they are free for kids with every adult drink purchased I'd grab one for my son. Otherwise he's happy with water. I think they're cute and a nice treat for kids, but some places charge around $3 for them which is a bit steep for a drop of milk.
Sometimes.....when I feel like something different.
Definitely for the little one, yes I would.
Yes, but I only buy them once if they are a little froth of milk that gets drunk in seconds. A really good one like the one in the picture and we'll be back for more!

I don't have a young child. If I did I probably would as they are a bit of a novelty.
No I wouldn't. I think my granddaughters would much rather have a milk shake &/or a rainbow ice-cream! I wasn't allowed to drink tea or coffee until I started high school!
by Miro
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