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Do you buy a gift for a hens party?

by Justine Crowley (follow)
Independent Business Consultant, Doctor, HubGarden Editor and Author/Publisher of four self help books: www.smashwords.com/profile/view/JustineCrowley
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do you buy a gift for a hens party, hens party
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It's glorious. You're invited to a hens night, as someone special in your life is about to become a bride. Do you buy a gift for that special someone on their hens night?

#Hens Party
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A gift is always a nice touch, so you don't arrive empty handed. Maybe a quirky novelty gift, plus a bottle of wine.
I agree with all of you. My answer is a yes. When invited to a party, it is nice to go with something.
Trying to remember back 24 years ago, no, I didn't take presents or get presents at the hens party. We went out to a comedy club and had a really good time, everyone paying for their own meal and drinks. But I also had a kitchen tea. I would definitely buy/bring a gift for the kitchen tea or its equivalent (I had a cellar themed kitchen tea - so people brought things like a bottle of wine, wine glasses, tea towels, corkscrew, cheese plate, napkins, placemats from a winery in the Hunter Valley etc). Because really, the main gifts are the wedding gift. The kitchen tea was to help the couple start out with cheaper items needed to set up house with. I was already living with my boyfriend so my maid of honour suggested the cellar tea. However, if there was only the Hens night, and not a tea, then probably I would buy the bride-to-be a drink, or a bottle of bubbly to share, or might have put in with everyone to organise the event.
Probably just something little for the hens night - if they're going to be out clubbing they would probably lose it anyway, so I'd rather wait for the kitchen tea and wedding to give a proper present.
I love buying gifts...so yes I would. ;)
Depending on how close I am to the person, I like to arrange something to be delivered to their house/residence or drop it by myself. This is because I feel awkward giving someone a gift when all we will be doing is getting crazy on the dance floor on the night!
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