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Do you bother with expensive shades?

by Vee (follow)
Fashion (139)      Image (10)      Sunglasses (3)     

dog wearing sunglasses
Image by Limitsart, from morguefile.com

One of my sisters laughed at me when she found out my current pair of sunglasses cost a mere $6.

I can't justify paying a ridiculous amount of money for something I will probably break within a month of purchase.

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I agree that they are too easy to loose and also break.
The money is down the drain.

For that very reason, I buy inexpensive sunglasses myself.
One day I will have the money to maybe treat myself, to something a tad nicer.....I think while we have lots of money going out of our wallets, we just have to cut down somewhere!
As long as the 'sunnies' do a o.k. job, then there's no problem I tell myself.

They ARE a fashion statement, always have been.
I'm not wearing a Chanel dress today or any other day, so down to El Chepo,
for me too.
Never! I'll pay around $5 for a pair and they last for ages! The most money I've spent on sunglasses is $14.95.
I actually don't own any sunglasses right now, but if I did, they'd be cheap ones.
I used to only buy cheap glasses, but back in 2007 I was on the road a lot for work, so I decided to look at some more expensive sunglasses. I bought some Arnettes, I think they were around $140 or so, and they were the best glasses I have ever owned. The lenses were perfect, the frame was solid, I loved them. I had them for 6 month before I forgot them in a public bathroom. I tried going back 5 minutes after leaving them, but the glasses were already gone. I've been mourning their loss ever since. Arnette doesn't make this model anymore, and I can't seem to find any with the same lenses. I won't be dropping money on another pair unless I can find something as good as my last expensive pair.
Not designer ones, no, (I don't really understand the point of those) but mine are prescription so that makes them a bit more expensive. I am careful with them.
No, I find it waste of money and I can't afford them either..LOL ! And I drop and break stuff a lot :-\
by BK
I just buy mine from the chemists!
No. I have had expensive sunglasses in the past, and they broke or got lost just as easily as my $14.90 ones do.
Only once have I expensive sunglasses, wore them to death. Now I buy inexpensive ones, for fiscal reasons!
Bought three pairs of Zeiss glass lenses sunnies', 35 years' ago, with legal maximum anti-glare.

One is 'everyday', one is 'spare', & one is for long-distance driving, & horse-riding.

About 10 years' ago, got Prescription pair, for book reading, on daily work commute, by train.

'Lashed out' & bought Oroton pair whilst they on Sale. Haven't worn them yet!

MUST have metal frame, & 'arms'. Sweat way too much for plastic ones.

My 'daily' wear ones' have had a lens replaced twice, & so too, the arms.

Wear them inside S/C's as well, & on rainy days, due can't stand the G L A R E!

My eyes just can't deal with sunglasses so I never buy them. If I did, however, I doubt I would pay more than $20. I had some made in my prescription and they got wasted as I felt blind. Tried Transitions too and no go there either.
by Rice
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