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Do you believe trendy diets work?

by chipp (follow)
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They say the diet industry is a billion dollar industry. You can get such an array of diets from the 'BooTea' diet (using tea to get a better shaped buttocks) to the 'zone diet' which focuses on reduced carbohydrates for the slimmer you!

Do you believe these 'trendy diets work? And, have you tried any of them?

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Well I am not sure about this one. I know I tried one diet called Sure Slim and it worked very well. However, as soon as I returned to eating anything I used to I ended up putting on weight and not able to shake it off no matter what! So I always wonder about the after effects of these trends.
No, and crash dieting can be really bad for your health.
I am on the 5/2 diet which I think you would call trendy and YES, it sure does work for those who stick to it!
I have lost 5 kilos however did not want to lose more than 2 and am doing it for other health reasons.
Everyone I know who is on this one, and keeps on it, loses a lot of weight.
by Finy
Don't work after 45 years of trying.Started when I was about 15.
You name it, I have done it.
Find a way to eat, less calories and more physical output.You can still have a big meal, just more veg.
No. They all seem to have the common theme of getting someone to lose a bunch of weight in the first week or so and then slowing down. Well as far as I know, you lose a bunch of weight to begin with because the diets help you to lose water not the fat you're actually trying to get rid of, which can only safely be lost at 0.5 - 1 kg a week. Changing lifestyle is a much more long term fix.

No. I believe they are called 'fads' for a reason.
by Vee
Trendy is just a passing phase and not sustainable.
Sensible food choices and portion control, is satisfying. In the process you not denying yourself as this can lead to the mighty BINGE eating.
by Zen
Don't believe ANY diet works!
Have never been on one, would never go on one!

I maintain my weight through healthy eating, & walking! Swim in Summer.
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