Ok, so if Science is going to 'move forward' in helping humankind, in all manner of areas', what do they test on, if not animals? Plants & trees'? Limited capabilities' they'd have, I'd have thought.
Soil? Frozen ice? Water?
Ethically, it would be hoped they treat the 'lab rats' in at least, basic humane ways. 'Horrible' images' could be 'set-ups' by the 'anti-crowd', too.
Have ANY of you been inside a Lab. or actually done the job, when animal testing being conducted? I know a scientist who's aware of these situations', who said the animals' are treated very humanely. Hope he was correct.
Humans? Now there's a good idea! Wouldn't the 'do gooders' be up in arms about that, more so, than if tests conducted on animals'.
So it's a bit of a conundrum, isn't it?