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Do you believe in revenge?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you believe in revenge?

Have you ever done anything out of revenge?

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I have heard say that "revenge is a dish best served cold".

I think this is very good advice as by the time it gets "cold" I am no longer interested.

I do not do things GENERALLY out of revenge though I feel sure in my life I have probably done a few things out of revenge.

They were not big things or I would remember them.

I basically do not believe in revenge as I believe in Karma (not Hub Garden karma!) and it is therefore not necessary to seek revenge.

I get angry however simmer down and revenge is for me, a waste of effort.
by Finy
I believe he universe has a way of dealing its own revenge, in other words I believe in karma. If someone does me wrong, I know I've become a stronger, better person because of that wrong and how I dealt with it. I don't need to exact revenge for that.
I don't know if I have carried out any acts of "revenge" that were big time but....holding a grudge is something I have always excelled at. I don't know anyone that can hold a grudge for as long as I can. A lot of times "holding a grudge" is more damaging to the grudge holder (so I am told). For people that have "wronged" me in my life, particularly at work, I get great delight in accidentally running into them and informing them that I have heard about their misfortune and that it must be Karma for their acts of unkindness in the past. Now in those situations, I don't know if that is actually revenge, the act of an opportunist or just educating/reminding people that their ways were not honourable and now they have to accept their fate.
Is that revenge ? If it is, then revenge is sweet.
It is not something we need to take action, unless we are talking about 'war'.
Then you do Not lay down and die, or let others overcome you....or your Country.

Personal Revenge, is dangerous.
I have never done it...but yes I have wanted too.They were serious, but I left it to God, to deal with them.
And did deal with them Jonah ?
by fran.
Would like to say no and I think generally this is the case, however small things like always being the one to make contact with someone after awhile becomes annoying and I would just leave things and see whether they bother to contact me again..if not ...I move on, believe relationships should be pretty equal......mostly I can't hold a grudge for long over anything, just get on with my life.
by Fran
Revenge has a nasty sound to it and, I think, is a waste of time and energy. I'm a. It believer in karma too and she rarely let's me down! Do unto others .....
I don't think it's worth it. Karma will catch up with people who do the
Wrong thing eventually.
No I don't like taking revenge.
My initial response is no I don't. However I'm sure some of my actions of the years may have been out of revenge but I can't really recall any specific times.
by AJ
No,I believe that Revenge has a way of creating more of the same,whether on a personal level or in a global situation. I have always felt that if I treat others as I wish to be treated ,then hoopefully,I shall reap the reward of nice behaviour from others. I have been in situations where horrid things have been done to me,and I have JUST MOVED ON. I get NO joy at all from being mean or nasty.What goes round,comes back round,so why act in a bad way to begin with? I believe it is known as Karma,and it is the basis of many cultures. Though in the beginning it was alwayys such a positive aspect of their way of life,some of these cultures often seem to get off onto a bad footing so their 'revenge' seems to continue in a never-ending cycle.
But as for just little old me,NO I am not vengeful at all.
I don't believe in taking revenge. I think it's a waste of time and effort.
by Vee
I think revenge is a bad thing. But sometimes one simply can't help it ;)
Revenge doesn't work, the best revenge is moving on and leaving it behind.
It can seem sweet at the time, but I have found it to leave a bitter after-taste!
Ah, yes, revenge can take many forms!

IF I feel the 'need' to take it, which is probably literally, 'once in a blue moon', I do 'circumnavigation revenge' ie go about it the longest way possible, it takes time, but works!
Not really as I think it can be emotionally destructive. Life is too short to think about revenge.
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